Bitdefender Security Scan Tool

What is BitDefender Security Scan Tool? How can I use this tool with Bitdefender installed?


  • coolcool1227
    coolcool1227 ✭✭✭
    edited October 2011

    Hmmm.....found the information on the said tool from "" and I would like to suggest to make it "Portable" for more convenience.

    Also I've checked that the tool will not install with Bitdefender installed, but it can install with other Antivirus Programs.

  • Hi

    That tool was designed for machines that don't have Bitdefender installed.

    It scans for system vulnerabilities and gives you some advices.

    Thank you.

  • Did you drop support for the subject tool and why?

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    QuickScan is far more advanced.

    All the Free products are listed here:

    Thank you!

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