After I realized I had a problem, I searched the virus name on google, found the topic with instructions, and went to follow them.
The virus panicked when I got BitDefender ((free version, don't have any money to throw >>)) and HijackThis. It replicated a few of the BitDefender .exe's as "vundo.dropper.trojan" or something like that. I must've used the hacked shortcut once or twice before I realized what it was... I did a system restore to Jan. 1st this afternoon. ((urpqo.dll, jkkihec.dll, and jkkiged.dll were the only ones I saw before that were still there)) I'm wary about downloading BitDefender/HijackThis again ((don't want the previous reaction :<)) but I want to get this over with. I've disabled sharing so I can stay on my wireless network without infecting others.
Please help?
Hello emyrsian,
Sorry for the late response.
Try an online scan with BitDefender: (it only works with Internet Explorer). Delete all infections, then try again to post a HijackThis! log.