Help - Trafficlight Has

I'm writing to request that BitDefender please remove my website/domain,, from the Bitdefender TrafficLight malware list.

The site (and all its sub-sites) are CLEAN and contain no malware, viruses, or anything else but good clean code. However, Bitdefender Traffic Light incorrectly reports that contains malware.

According to, Bitdefender is the ONLY "URL Scanner" that has a problem with -- the other 37 scanners say it's clean.

If you need me to provide more information, please let me know!

I have made this request before (over on the "false positive reporting" forum) but there was no reply; now, a week later, my website is still on the Bitdefender's malware list. (If there really is an issue with the site, please tell me specifically what the problem is so that I can correct it!)

Many thanks,
