After Reinstalling Firefox, Wallet Extension Completely Missing


Hello guys!

Wallet extension worked fine in FF before I did a clean reinstall. Now the wallet dosn't work in FF anymore and is not even listed under the Extensions.

Is there a manual way to add the Wallet extension to Firefox?



  • Bump! :)

  • columbo

    Security Center =s Wallet Panel on the BD main UI ^_^

    @Kenan Not sure of an easy manual way, but have you tried running a BD repair? It may need to be done in order for BD to re-associate (find) FF anew. If that doesn't work, totally uninstall BD, and reinstall it, so BD "finds" FF on its install. This happened with me when I had done a clean Windows 7 install, then installed BD, and a bit later FF. I didn't have the search advisor icons in FF until I did a total BD reinstall.

  • Georgia
    Georgia ✭✭✭

    @ Kenan

    Indeed, reinstalling your browser or resetting the browser to the default settings will eliminate all extensions - Bitdefender Wallet included.

    A quick way to address the situation is to repair Bitdefender, as columbo already suggested in the above topic.

    Feel free to post back should you have other questions or concerns.

  • Nesivos
    Hello guys!

    Wallet extension worked fine in FF before I did a clean reinstall. Now the wallet dosn't work in FF anymore and is not even listed under the Extensions.

    Is there a manual way to add the Wallet extension to Firefox?


    There is a software app MozBackup. It hasn't been updated in a couple of years but still works great. I use it to backup Firefox and Thunderbird. I use the latest offical release of each so I know it works with them. I have used it numerous times over the years and it has saved me countless hours. It will backup bookmarks, general settings extension etc all in one file. If you need to do a clean install of Firefox you can then restore by category what you had backed up using MozBackup. One limitation is that you can not choose which bookmarks, extension etc to restore. It will restore everthing from a category that you had previously backed up and now choose to restore.

    One great use of MozBackup is to make a clean backup of Firefox and/or Thunderbird. If something then goes wrong where you can't start Firefox and need to uninstall it and then resinstall it you can do this and then restore all your settings bookmarks, extensions etc from a clean backup.

    I backup once a week

  • columbo
    edited March 2014
    +1 Nice tip, Nesivos, especially since I use FF as my default browser. I wonder why the developer quit keeping up with it, not enough contributions $$?
  • Nesivos

    +1 Nice tip, Nesivos, especially since I use FF as my default browser. I wonder why the developer quit keeping up with it, not enough contributions $$?

    I don't know. If you want to persue it a litter further you can search for MozBackup, the author has a website. Last update was May 6, 2012. I could not see a contact email address on the website however at the bottom of the webpage is his twitter account. On the other hand it is not very active and his last tweet was last November. Worth a shot if you are more than just casually interested in why there have been no updates since May 2012. If you do contact him I would appreciate it if you post back on this thead what he says. Thanks

  • columbo

    Thanks, friend. That is the web site I checked out before I posted, just to confirm what OS were supported. As you said, last update 2 years ago =s up to Windows 7. If I get ambitious enough (I don't have a twitter account), I may check into it and post back. Otherwise, it's a nice feature for Windows 7.