I Am Furious With Bitdefender

edited January 2022 in General Topics

I am furious with Bitdefender. After installing their trial security software on my Samsung mobile yesterday, today I discover all my data on the 32 gbytes SD card has been removed and the card is no longer accessible, either in my mobile or on my computer.

This software is supposed to protect my information, NOT delete it! I now keep getting a message that states 'Your sd card is now safe to remove'. I can't even remount it in my phone and my iMac doesn't recognise it.

Needless to say I have uninstalled the software and if I could reach the company I would sue them. I will however make it my business to report this malfunction to Samsung and my mobile phone access provider.

I can think of another name that rhymes with BIT defender it should change its name to.



  • AdrianHa
    I am furious with Bitdefender. After installing their trial security software on my Samsung mobile yesterday, today I discover all my data on the 32 gbytes SD card has been removed and the card is no longer accessible, either in my mobile or on my computer.

    This software is supposed to protect my information, NOT delete it! I now keep getting a message that states 'Your sd card is now safe to remove'. I can't even remount it in my phone and my iMac doesn't recognise it.

    Needless to say I have uninstalled the software and if I could reach the company I would sue them. I will however make it my business to report this malfunction to Samsung and my mobile phone access provider.

    I can think of another name that rhymes with BIT defender it should change its name to.



    Did you not have backups of your data?

  • http://www.bitdefender.co.uk/support/contact-us.html

    Did you not have backups of your data?

    Is that really the best I can expect from BITDEFENDER?

    As it happens I did have everything backed up on my computer but that's not the point, surely? The fact that someone somewhere has accessed my phone's memory card and either wiped it of its contents or made it no longer usable is the cause for concern and a major invasion of my privacy. The card isn't even accessible in a computer. I feel like I have been burgled. Like someone has simply walked in to my home and removed the entire contents. BITDEFENDER is supposed to be about protecting the user's information.

    I will be writing to the UK's government communications legislative body OFCOM about this malpractice. I am also writing to the popular UK BBC Television programme 'Watchdog' to alert their viewers about this. I'm hoping they can find a contact address so I can get my solicitor on to BITDEFENDER.

  • AdrianHa

    Is that really the best I can expect from BITDEFENDER?

    As it happens I did have everything backed up on my computer but that's not the point, surely? The fact that someone somewhere has accessed my phone's memory card and either wiped it of its contents or made it no longer usable is the cause for concern and a major invasion of my privacy. The card isn't even accessible in a computer. I feel like I have been burgled. Like someone has simply walked in to my home and removed the entire contents. BITDEFENDER is supposed to be about protecting the user's information.

    I will be writing to the UK's government communications legislative body OFCOM about this malpractice. I am also writing to the popular UK BBC Television programme 'Watchdog' to alert their viewers about this. I'm hoping they can find a contact address so I can get my solicitor on to BITDEFENDER.

    1) I am not Bitdefender, just a user like you.

    2) If something went wrong, chat to Bitdefender support.

    3) Installing the software on your phone does not give anybody access to phone card, if the data is gone either the card failed, which happens, or there was a software error which cleared the data .

    4) If you have backups, your data is safe .

    5) All the contacts you could possibly want are clearly provided on the website.

  • How do you even know it's caused by Bitdefender?

    SD cards can and do break. I've had SD cards and USB sticks randomly break for no reason. It could just be coincidence that it happened the day after you installed Bitdefender.

  • I am really surprised to read this. I am also using bitdefender in my samsung galaxy s2 phone. but i have no problem by using this software. Really sad to here this. Do you have any back up for your data? In my opinion, contact with bitdefender support team. i think that they may help you to solve your problem

  • Georgia
    Georgia ✭✭✭
    edited July 2015

    Unless the users deliberately choose to wipe the entire data with Anti-theft (https://my.bitdefender.com/antitheft) then Bitdefender can not take such actions.

    Thank you for your understanding.