Anybody Know If Bd Will Detect Cridex Malware?
Hi, decided to invest in bitdefender as I have had colleagues fall prey to some apparently rather sophisticated financial malware recently instead of the usual zeuses - variants such as Dridex (or is it Cridex? not sure) and Dryzera. I am pretty much a layman in this but I understand that after the malware has done its work, ie,stealing payment credentials or even creating payments in an online banking portal, it can delete itself, making detection post-event very tricky. They had to bring in some heavyweight forensic company to even find remnants of the malware! I know its very hard to say with certainty but whats the detection rate like for these variants with BD2015? Thanks.
Bitdefender detects this malware as Trojan Generic. Take a look at these Virus Total results:
Thank you.0