Trafficlight Search Advisor Not Working In Firefox
I am using Firefox 40.0.2 with Google as the default search engine. I just installed TrafficLight as an extension but the Search Advisor does not work. There are no green icons showing in the search results (see attached google search results).
Strangely enough, if I change the search engine in the search toolbar to Yahoo or Bing and run the same search, the green icons show in the search results (see attached bing search results).
Is this a bug? How can I get TrafficLight working in Firefox with google search?
I have seen 2 other topics for this problem but they were not resolved.
Thank you.
Does it work with Bing search in Foxfire?
Whoops....I see the attached picture.
Bing Yes - Google No.
This is what I'm seeing as well.0 -
Does it work with Bing search in Foxfire?
Whoops....I see the attached picture.
Bing Yes - Google No.
This is what I'm seeing as well.0 -
Hi Kelly,
So you get the same results as I do.
It looks like it's a bug, but Ro in his post says it's working for him, so that's strange.
Ro, I checked and the Trafficlight extension is enabled in my Firefox browser.0 -
I don't know why it should work for some and not for others, very strange.
Does Search Advisor work for you guys? Enabled from BD GUI>Web Protection, it does the same job as TrafficLight.
Ro.0 -
I don't know why it should work for some and not for others, very strange.
Does Search Advisor work for you guys? Enabled from BD GUI>Web Protection, it does the same job as TrafficLight.
From my many other posts, no, Search Advisor does not work. (and no one is responding to my other posts questions, which if frustrating, so I comment when others are having the same problems)
It works for one results page of Bing search, and that's it. Does not work for any more than the initial first results of Bing. Does not work for Google, period.
Whatever causes the green lights on FaceBook on Win7 does not work at all. Is this Search Advisor or Traffic Light? (someone else said these were not the same)
These results are not browser specific in my case. I get exactly the same no-workings in Internet Explorer and Chrome. I don't use Edge nor Foxfire.
Yes, these functions are enabled.
No "events" get logged, as the do on the Win7 machine. Over the last week there have been more than 60 events on the Win7 machine and 0 on the other. Surfing patterns are the same.0 -
TrafficLight works to give advice on links in both Facebook and Twitter as well as browser search engines, Search Advisor does not work in FB or Twitter only working in Browser searches (or should work).
TrafficLight shows a colored spot surrounded by a black border (see attached FB screen shot), Search Advisor gives a colored spot with a tick or cross in it depending on safety advice.
I have no other advice to give on this other than making a report to Bitdefender via email ( in the hope they can offer further assistance.
Ro.0 -
Then neither one are working. Thanks.
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Just used the support tool, again.
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GEE!!! Search Advisor isn't working for Google Search on the Win7 machine anymore. What the heck is going on?
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I emailed about this problem but received no reply.
I will be removing TrafficLight and using Avira Browser Safety extension which works and displays icons on my google search results. It works both in my Firefox and Opera browsers.0 -
Alright this is more than a year later and I'm still having this problem... No search engine result ratings in Google using both Firefox & Chrome - is there any resolution? Can't contact support about TrafficLight because it's not a support category, and no one replies to the email address above. I'm puzzled why the add-on gets 4.7 stars in the Chrome web store yet the most valuable feature is glitchy.0 -
You should first check your browser for any conflicting plugins and also please provide me with the ticket number assigned to your case.0 -
I assume TrafficLight is dead, the Firefox extension hasn't been updated since April 2015, 99.9% of search results, even dodgy sites, show green and it's not compatible with e10's multiprocess.
The Bitdefender staff seem to ignore any mention of it being updated, is which seems rather shortsighted as the disgraced WOT claimed 140,000,000 downloads before the data sell out.0 -
Hello Sorin,
last Update for TrafficLight is from 17. April 2015:
Is TrafficLight abandoned?
0 -
No, it is not abandoned.
There was no need to update the client side extension, changes are being made in the cloud.0 -
Hello Sorin,
many thanks for your explanation.Now it´s clear for me.
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Same problem here. No help from BitDefender support. Installed McAfees Site Advisor for Firefox. Working fine.