I Will Not Be Buying Bitdefender Again


I've been a paying user of Bitdefender Total Security for two years and for two years I've dealt with the annoyance of Bitdefenders self-advertising pop-ups showing up. Today marks the end of using Bitdefender.

I am done doing business with a company that:

- Constantly advertises with intrusive and annoying pop-ups on my desktop

- Provides no option to disable the advertisements

- When I purchased bitdefender, you make it difficult to not just "buy" it but you also activate a subscription that needs to be cancelled. To many users they don't even realize they've been subscribed to a yearly recurring payment

I am also the IT administrator of a company that manages approximately 150 desks. I will also be ensuring that Bitdefender is no longer used at this company either.


An angry customer.



  • Gsx123

    Hi, i also find it really ###### of them show ads when you purchase it but there is at least a way to disable it:


  • Thanks! Sorry this was not an option in previous version according to forum posts I read on here, but glad they added this option in. Perhaps now I'll reconsider! ;)