Internet Browsers Slow To Load After Last Update


I awoke yesterday to a notification that an update had been applied to Bitdefender and that i must restart for it to take effect.

After restarting the computer , all the browsers on our system , IE , Chrome and Firefox take forever to load webpages , some to the point of timing out.

We never had this problem until this last update. 

Is there a known problem with the latest updates or is there a way to fix this or roll back the update?


  • I just bought 2017.  Same problem here.  The BD behavior acts like it inhales the entire page thinks then allows the browser to render.  Putting about 5 seconds on each page.   I'm an advanced user and want to completely disable web /browser filtering?

    Registry setting?  

  • 5 hours ago, curt504 said:

    I just bought 2017.  Same problem here.  The BD behavior acts like it inhales the entire page thinks then allows the browser to render.  Putting about 5 seconds on each page.   I'm an advanced user and want to completely disable web /browser filtering?

    Registry setting?  

    Hi curt and gordow

    Check this link if it helps

  • gordow

    Got it fixed , ran the uninstaller and it asked if I wanted to repair or uninstall , chose repair and everything is working again , nice and fast loading in all three browsers.