Unable to connect to the server


I just purchased Antivirus Plus 2017 tonight from BestBuy and installed using the CD. The install instructions suggested I download a newer version from the web instead of using the CD version so I accepted and allowed the web version to download. The software installed but when it was done a window popped up asking me to register. I entered the registration info but when I clicked on the submit button I got an error message. Tried several times to register but no lock so I closed the registration window. Another window then popped up telling me it was Unable to connect to the server, please try again later. That was 4 hours ago and the same window continues to pop up. Please note that I just uninstalled a working copy of Avast anti virus software (free version) that was working perfectly so I don't believe this is a PC issue. Can you confirm if you servers are actually down and if so when will they be up again? I am using a high end Dell desktop PC with Windows 10 pro installed.



