Bitdefender trafficlight

Bitdefender trafficlight

Trafficlight not working on Chrome


Since one month I've got problem with this Chrome extension (Bitdefender Trafficlight). It stopped working - it doesn't signal safe/unsafe website. I also always have (0 Trackers detected) on any website. I have no idea why it stopped working. I am also using uBlock Origin extension - but more than one month - so I think it doesn't have any influence on that problem.

Could anyone help me with that problem? As I read I am not only one who has it, but how to resolve it?


  • Hello,


    Please follow the steps below and let me know if everything is okay afterwards.

    - open Chrome

    - type in the address : chrome://flags and press Enter

    - go to : Experimental QUIC protocol and disable it

    - close Chrome and open it back again

  • edited May 2017

    It doesn't help. I see that on some websites I have information about trackers number detected, but I still have no flags (safe/unsafe website) when I am using any websearch. But there is something weird,

    I attached some images to explain it. When I typed "google" sometimes it works, but after refresh it seems to be disabled. If I type any other phrase it doesn't work unless it has subpages.





    Yesterday I checked this problem once again and it looks like that trafficlight extension in my computer has problem with websearches. 

    For example, it works perfectly with Bing and also Facebook, but it doesn't cooperate with Google, Yahoo or Ask. I don't know what may cause it, maybe someone could check it?


    As I see there was an update given to the trafficlight extension. Great job! Now all is working perfectly on chrome and there are also new flags layers. 

    Does the update contain new options to the extension?


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