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Windows 7 start up black screen, long time to log-off, can not connect to services, msvcp140dll not



I do have Bitdefender Total Security 2017.  Recently I renewed my subscription.  I have it installed in a Vaio VCPEA37FL running Windows 7.

Some weeks ago I started with problems with Windows.  It took a long time to log in.  Between the welcome screen and the login screen, a black screen with the mouse arrow lasted for several minutes.  Then, after loging in, Windows started with the "old style" task bar.  A message window indicated that Windows could not connect to a service.  A lock icon appeared momentary in the task bar notification area. Then, I logged off but it took several minutes to close the session.  I try to find a solution over the internet and everything pointed out that the user profile was corrupted.  I created a new administrator account, but it did not work.  Same result. I tried to repair it. I got the message that msvcp140dll was not found.  I repaired the distributable C.  I ran the rootkit removal tools from different antivirus brands but nothing worked.  Finally the system crashed.  I did restore the computer to the factory settings (a pain because a lost some documents, software and had to reinstall everything).  I did upgrade to Windows SP1, updated Internet Explorer 11, Google Chrome and then Bit Defender (before those updates I can not even open Bit Defender Central).  After installing Bitdefender Total Security 2017, the bad sympthoms appeared again: long start up, black screen, old task bar, services not connecting, extreme long log off time.

I have read other threads and tried the solutions but none of them worked.

Please help!


  • Sorin G.



    The issue with the Connecting service is known and it is currently being worked on.


    For the black screen on startup, please disable Early Boot Scan and let me know if the issue persists afterwards.

    Bitdefender > Protection > Anti-Virus > Custom(On-Access) > Miscellaneous > Early Boot Scan