Antivirus Free

Antivirus Free

Threat returns after each restart

edited February 2022 in Antivirus Free

Bitdefender detected a threat but after deleting or quarantining it returns when I restart my PC.

The threat is named Gen:Heur.Bodegun.8 and the file path isn't on the C drive, it's listed as UefiModule.

I've also scanned with Malwarebytes, Kaspersky and Windows Defender in offline mode, but they didn't detect anything.

Could this be a false positive? I tried to submit it but I don't have a file to attach.

Best Answer

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    That seems to be a UEFI malware and you cannot access the UEFI files on windows OS directly. Since you cannot access the file location also and you are also using a free version of bitdefender, the support staff will also redirect you to bitdefender forum since free version queries are redirected to the forum only.

    Let's see if bitdefender staff on the forum can help you regarding this (@Andy_BD, @Alex D., @BogdanB_BD, @System)

    Alternatively you can try to drop an email to support staff at and ask them to share the same information with the malware research team. Being a UEFI detection, bitdefender malware research team can best tell you how to collect the sample for reanalyzing it.



    (Bitdefender beta tester 2019/ 2020)

    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)



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