2020-11-24 EU Council Resolution on Encryption

Like probably many others I selected Bitdefender as my "protector of choice" mainly for 2 reasons:

1) outstanding technology and track record, acceptance and success in the markets

2) not based in a 5/9/14 Eyes or in any totalitarian country

The 2020-11-24 "EU Council Resolution on Encryption" requests "competent authorities" to obtain clear text access to end user data flows despite encryption.

"Protecting the privacy and security of communications through encryption and at the same time upholding the possibility for competent authorities in the area of security and criminal justice to lawfully access relevant data"

How concerned do we need to be with Bitdefender as a Romanian company of the EU?


  • Mike_BD
    Mike_BD BD Staff
    edited October 2021

    Hello @5crambler ,

    I've got your message shared with our Legal dept and once I get an answer, we'll revert to you. Meanwhile, hope our product (whatever that may be) serves you well !



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