Automatic Update for BD TS 2020

I have found that the best way users should go about updating BD TS from shutting their PC down (e.g. weekend away from work) is to go into Task Scheduler. Expand Task Scheduler Library, under Microsoft, select Windows. Right-click on the Windows folder and select New folder from the context menu.
Name the folder Bitdefender. Now that we've created the folder, we can start creating new tasks. Select the Bitdefender folder in the left pane and click on Create Task... on the right. This will open a new window.
Under the General tab, name the task 'updcenter' (name of BD's update program). Under Security Options in the General tab, be sure to check the box next to 'Run whether user is logged in or not' and, if the user is the Administrator (or businesses with Administrator rights should) check the box next to 'Run with highest privileges' to ensure seamless performance. Also, make sure the Configure for field is set for your Operating System.
Next, under the Triggers tab click 'New...' Choose 'At startup' in the Begin the task field.
Next, go to the Actions tab. Click on the 'New...' button.
Make sure that the Action field says 'Start a program'.
Next, in the program/****** field type or browse the path of the program, in this case 'updcenter', which is located in the directory: C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender Security\updcenter.exe. Be sure to enclose the directory with quotes (“”). In the start in field enter the directory that the executable file is found in: C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender Security\. Click OK.
More than likely, Task Manager will prompt you for your credentials. When you or the company you work for has entered them, Bitdefender should check for updates automatically the next time your computer boots.