Did you recently purchase Bit defender because of Putin's war too ?

Hi all im a new purchaser of Bitdefender and as my discussion title says i chose to leave a Russian based security software program i had used for many years because of the War "PUTIN" is making against the people of the Ukraine.

I had been using Russian based kaspersky for years since it like Bitdefender are among the top of the line rated products out there. But as my kaspersky renewal came up just as war broke out in Ukraine i too felt i had to do my part to boycott all Russian products to help bring about a peaceful end to this crazy war.

Notice that i did not call this a Russian war, or say it is Russia's war against the Ukraine. That is because it is Putin's own personal war with the Ukraine (and the the rest of the world) . The Russian people like the employees of Kaspersky and many other Russian owned companies are the ones who will all suffer aswell because of Putin's ego-maniacal madness. The Russian soldiers, the Ukraine soldiers, and the people of the Ukraine will all suffer because of one mad man "PUTIN"... nobody wins out of this mess that Putin has begun,,, i just hope at the end of the day that Putin gets judged and delt with as he deserves for the pain he has caused people. And that the good people of Russia and Ukraine can go back to living peacefully again ...

I have Ukraine and Russian friends here in Toronto and they are like brothers to each other, it makes them both sick to see what Putin is doing to their homelands.

So ,,, Did you recently purchase Bitdefender because of Putin's war, and so your boycotting Russian security products ???

cheers,,,, and hoping for peace.


  • Gjoksi
    Gjoksi Defender of the month mod
    edited March 2022

    Reading stories on the internet, i guess a lot of people already moved or will move from Kaspersky to Bitdefender or other security software vendor, not just because of the war in Ukraine, but also because of this:

    As for me, i already moved from Kaspersky to Bitdefender 3 years ago.

  • Clapton
    Clapton ✭✭✭
    > @Gjoksi79_ said:
    > Reading stories on the internet, i guess a lot of people already moved or will move from Kaspersky to Bitdefender or other security software vendor, not just because of the war in Ukraine, but also because of this:
    > As for me, i already moved from Kaspersky to Bitdefender 3 years ago.

    I had never seen those news stories you posted above. I had heard that some people were recommending to leave kaspersky because of worries of Russia's ties to it, but i dismissed that because i just thought it was some sort of racist anti-Russian phobia. And second is that i never would have believed Putin would ruin his countries businesses reputations and economic relations with the rest of the world...(or invade a country for that matter).
    And up till now Kasp had been getting good reviews online by top sites...i have had no problems with it , seemed to have done what it was suppose to do.

    but now that an actual war between Putin and the rest of the world has clearly begun , I can now imagine the KGB (or whatever they call them now) requiring the employees at kaspersky to willingly or non-willingly comply with KGB/Putin's demands to access kaspersky and possibly use it against other nations.

    I admitted im not a news hound, i dont really seek out news online , i just watch local tv antenna news, so i was probably quite a bit late in finding out about info regarding the severity of the concerns about kasp and Putin's geo-political behaviour.

    Thank you Gjoksi for the link.
  • Hello,

    I have noticed that several new Community members have mentioned they have switched from Kaspersky to Bitdefender in their discussions. There have been related posts in social media as well.

    Recently, I ran into an article that posted some statistics right after the BSI announcement in Germany:

    According to this article, providers such as Bitdefender, NortonLifeLock and McAfee have experienced an increased interest from customers, right after the BSI announcement was made. Since the announcement on March 15, interest in buying a security solution has increased by up to 1,630 percent compared to the previous day.

    But this is not important, I think the focus should be on what we can do to help, get involved and express our resilience and disagreement towards this terrible invasion of a sovereign country and its peaceful people.

    In the end, peace will prevail.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Scott
    Scott Defender of the month ✭✭✭✭✭

    Informative and Agree, especially with your last paragraph and link, Alexandru. I'm sending extra financial support to my favorite charity on behalf of the Ukrainian people.

    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/user-guides/ Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.

  • Yes Clapton. I'm also a new Bitdefender user. Instead of renewing my license with Kaspersky, I switched over to Bitdefender because of the war in Ukraine.

  • I too have been a Kaspersky user for years and... now I have decided to use Bitdefender