Command prompt pop ups during startup

Hello :)
In using Windows, once in a while during startup, I'll get 1-3 quick command prompt windows that pop up and disappear. From the below thread link, some mentioned it's probably OneDrive. Would Event Viewer log and show this activity? Do other 3rd party apps sometimes install updates this way? This is a newer clean install of Windows 11, so I don't have very many other apps installed.
It doesn't sound like I need to worry about it; I was just curious.
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Hello @Scott,
I've done some research and found a thread on Reddit regarding this behavior:
One of the users recommended the following solution: go to Task Scheduler > Microsoft > Office > Right click "OfficeBackgroundTaskHandlerRegistration" > Disable.
Check the thread and let us know if you find the answers 😊
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
1 -
Thank you for your research help, Alexandru, I appreciate it. In that thread, it seemed that the user was having those pop-ups occur randomly throughout the day. In my case, it's randomly after a system startup. For now, I disabled OneDrive, and if that doesn't do the trick, I will try your above posted solution.
Thanks again :)
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