Is there any way to re-start a canceled update?

Hello, Community.

I was in the middle of an important project, working on a tight deadline, when I suddenly got a Bitdefender popup saying that an update was in progress and my computer would restart automatically when it was completed. I had no choice but to hit "cancel" or allow the auto-shutdown to proceed, so I chose to cancel, assuming I could run the update manually once I was finished with my project.

I can't find a way to restart an interrupted update anywhere in my dashboard. For that matter, I can't find any way to see upcoming or historical individual updates whatsoever.

All of the usual Bitdefender indicators show my system as being up to date, but the update definitely never ran to completion. I don't like to miss Bitdefender updates. What can I do?

Thanks in advance for your input!


  • Scott
    Scott Defender of the month ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2022

    Hi @Fintan and welcome to the community.

    In Windows, you can manually update BD by right-clicking the system tray icon and hit, Update Now.

    Also, you can confirm the update by going to Notifications, as well as clicking the drop-down arrow to view the log files.

    When you can, restart your device to enable the update as it is still there, waiting for the restart.

    I hope this helped to answer your questions.


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