Mobile Security

Mobile Security

Ads keep popping up on phone

How can you stop from random ads popping up on your phone? It happens all day brand new phone and only had it for a week. I can be watching YouTube and an ad pops up covering the entire screen while YouTube still plays in background. Happens on all other apps as well. Downloading Bitdefender I thought it would stop the pop up but it hasn't. Any suggestions how to resolve this?


  • Ads keep popping up on phone

    Bitdefender is antimalware software which does not deal in blocking ads or pop ups.

    You will have to install an adblocker on your android device in order to block the inbuilt ads in various applications installed on your android device. Below is the link to some android adblockers which you can choose from.

    I personally use AdGuard AdBlocker on my android device. That being said, not all inbuilt ads in an application can be blocked by adblockers. If this is the case, you will have to subscribe to premium version of that particular application in order to get rid of inbuilt ads.


    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)


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