Protect device administrator

How can I protect the app from being uninstalled? You can easily turn off the device administrator in the settings. With other apps there is a protection so that you cannot disable these settings. Unfortunately, it is also not possible to lock the settings with the app lock. The PIN is queried, but you can simply click away from the window with the back button.


  • Gjoksi


    Open your Bitdefender Mobile Security for Android, go to "More", in the new opened menu click on your account (your name and e-mail) and then click on "Uninstall Bitdefender Mobile Security".

    A new pop-up window will open with text "Enter PIN to confirm".

    And that PIN is actually the PIN you already set for the "App Lock" module, during the installation of the app on your phone.

    Without entering the PIN, it is impossible to uninstall the app.


  • Hello, thank you very much for your answer. That's true for the way you described. However, you can simply remove the permissions from the app in the settings and then uninstall it without entering a PIN. Unfortunately there is no protection here. I see that as a problem in terms of anti-theft protection.

  • Hi,

    Google policies do not allow us, as developers, to block the removal of device admin permissions.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • So, there is no way for prevent the app to be uninstalled?

    I mean, if the phone is unlocked, the app lock is just useless. Anyone could go to Settings, select the bitdefender app and uninstall it. So no more pin will be required and anyone will be able to open the "locked" app.

  • Hi,

    The best way to protect against unathorized use is prevention. Biometrics (e.g., fingerprint, face) authentication is recommended. Set the device to lock automatically after a short period and make sure to use strong lock-screen pins/passwords. A 6-digit PIN is sufficient.

    App Lock helps you block unwanted access to apps by setting a security PIN access code. The PIN code you set must be at least 4 digits long, but not more than 8, and is required every time you want to access the selected restricted apps. Alternatively, on devices that support fingerprint authentication, a fingerprint confirmation can be used instead of the configured PIN code.

    Using the wrong PIN or fingerprint five times in a row, will activate a 30 seconds time-out session. This way, any attempt to break in the protected apps will be blocked.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • I have just installed BifDefender Total Protection on Android as a replacement for ESET Internet Security. In ESET, it is possible to prevent deinstallation (you have to provide the ESET password to do that). It is very strange that this is not possible in BitDefender Total Protection (which includes Mobile Protection).

  • Hi and welcome to Bitdefender.

    I wouldn't say strange, but a different approach 🙂


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user