Annoying Pop-Ups

edited October 2022 in General Topics

Uninstalling because apparently the pop ups can not turned off. How did you think stroking your own ego thru these pop ups was a goof idea?


  • Gjoksi
    Gjoksi Defender of the month mod


    Open your Bitdefender program and go to:

    1. Settings -> General and disable "Special offers" and "Recommendation notifications" (for the "Password Manager" notification)

    2. Protection -> Antivirus -> Settings -> Scan flash drives and select "Autoscan" or "Disabled", do not select "Ask every time" (for the "USB Immunizer Recommendation" notification)

    3. Privacy -> Safepay -> Settings and disable "Safepay notifications"

    4. Privacy -> Video & Audio Protection -> Settings and disable "Notify when allowed applications connect to the webcam", "Notify when an application tries to access the microphone" and "Notify when browsers access the microphone"

    5. Utilities -> Profiles -> Settings and disable "Activate profiles automatically" (for the Profile notification)

    After doing that, in the future no pop-up notifications will be displayed in the lower right corner of your screen.

    REMEMBER: When a threat is detected, a pop-up notification will be displayed in the lower right corner of your screen and you can't disable those pop-up notifications.

    Next, as an option to fully disable the Bitdefender alerts and pop-ups, open your Bitdefender program, go to Utilities -> Profiles -> Settings and enable/activate "Work Profile" or "Game Profile".

    When "Work Profile" or "Game Profile" is enabled/activated, all Bitdefender alerts and pop-ups are disabled.

    Finally, as for the Bitdefender VPN pop-ups, you can simply uninstall Bitdefender VPN from your device by following the steps provided here (just select "Bitdefender VPN"):


    open the Bitdefender VPN program, go to Settings -> Notifications and disable "Allow notifications".


  • Hi @ZFRANK33,

    What pop-ups are you referring to, exactly? You can follow Gjoksi's instructions above to manage your notifications preferences, but it would be helpful for us to know what notification is bothering you, so we can advise further.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Came here just for this issue.

    I have no problem with pop ups that warn me of impending doom.

    But, when paying for software, I shouldn't have to see "up sell" pop ups pushing me to purchase more services I haven't paid for yet. - Visit a site with a shopping cart: "Safepay!!" - twice a day every day "VPN!!" - watching a movie "More VPN!!" (which is awesome in the middle of a John Wick action scene, really sets the mood) ...

    Thank you @Gjoksi

  • Hi @pbalchin and thanks for joining the conversation here.

    I know this can be frustrating. Apart from the instructions posted by Gjoksi above, that will help supress most of the notifications and pop-ups, I also recommend to enable the Movie Profile:

    This will ensure John Wick does his job without being interrupted 😉

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Scott
    Scott Defender of the month ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2023

    Yep, and with "Baba Yaga" at it again, JW 4, we don't want to miss any of the action, at least in US theaters today.

    R.I.P. Lance Reddick.

    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.

  • Varigman
    edited March 2023

    Sorry, but it should not be this convoluted to disabled advertising from a product that you've already purchased.

    Why is the VPN even installed when you expressly didn't include it in the package you purchased, and furthermore. Why does this installed VPN run in the background and spam TWO popups over the top of everything you're doing every 1-2 hours?

    What year is it!? Whoever came up with this BS way of generating sales seriously needs to be fired.

    Anyhow, I wont be renewing my subscription, so great work on that!

    Wow. And even in disabling the subscription you can't tone down the BS. Single-click workflow for unsubscribing what's that!? No, just spam window after window of offers, messing with the contrast of the buttons so the actual choice of cancelling a subscription is tucked under both a green and red button that both keep the subscription active...

  • Scott
    Scott Defender of the month ✭✭✭✭✭


    I'm not sure what version of Bitdefender you're using, but from the AV Plus on up, all include the VPN. It should not be a surprise, as it is mentioned on the product page(s) themself.

    Most all AV's these days that are listed as Pro, Plus, Total, 360 etc. have some sort of "trial" version of a VPN.

    You can uninstall BD VPN as it is a stand alone install/app, or you can disable the notifications from here:



    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.

  • Hello @Varigman,

    All customers that use one of our security suites also benefit from 200 Mb/day of free VPN encrypted traffic, therefore we need to install the app so the customer can utilize the full functionality of the product they chose.

    There is the basic included version and the Premium VPN which can be purchased separately, if required. This is why you still have a VPN, even if you didn't include it in the shopping cart with your order.

    All Bitdefender apps are easily removable via standard platform specific mechanisms (eg for Windows, go to Programs & Features).

    The VPN notifications can be easily disabled by following the steps provided by @Scott above.



    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • None of those instructions above to disable pop ups are available on my subscription in settings ... what gives?

  • Hello @PKTex,

    Can you tell us what pop-ups are you trying to disable and if you are referring to the antivirus settings or the VPN settings?


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • I agree. The antivirus notifications are the worst. I have been using Bitdefender for a few months now and am looking for a replacement. The fact that you can't turn off all non-critical notifications is bizarre. I understand some people want to feel like they're protected but it's to the point of annoyance. Then the UI is so segmented. There is no reason you should have to dig through so many menus to disable notifications for each feature.

    The same goes for temporarily disabling BD. You should be able to do it with 1-click like other AV software. Get a warning message along with an auto turn-on option. Instead, you need to dig through multiple menus to manually disable each feature and then hope you got them all. Then if you forget to turn one of the features back on, you are unprotected. So unsafe. I'm shocked this gets such good reviews for safety/security.

    This is the most distracting app I have ever used. I disabled all the notifications listed above and the antivirus notifications are still very distracting. Even on sites like Google Images, you get random popups notifying you "Online Treat Detected" and then another pop right after "Multiple Online Threats Blocked". Are these notifications really necessary or even helpful? I paid for a program to protect me from 'bad stuff' I should not have to hear about every minor 'threat' too. Please fix these issues because the rest of the AV seems really good.

  • Hello @johnejohn and thank you for sharing your honest feedback with the community.

    When it comes to in-product notifications, most of them can be disabled by following the steps provided by @Gjoksi at the beginning of this thread. The security recommendations from the dashboard cannot be removed or disabled. The option that you disabled ensures that you will not receive pop ups on your computer reminding you of these features in Bitdefender, but they will continue to appear in the dashboard along with a few others.

    The fact that various types of notifications were suppressed does not mean that the product will no longer communicate operation or detection issues. There are still many situations where the user must be aware of what is happening.

    Whenever something relevant to the security of your system or data happens, such notifications play a key role in raising awareness of the events happening on the device and send assurances that the product is operating as expected. Options may be provided to take further action, if needed. Being a security product by design, it does not have a toggle to disable security-related notifications, as this would defy the whole purpose of having an interactive antivirus that provides feedback and alerts the user of any potential threats or attacks coming their way.

    Furthermore, having such a feature could pose a risk for the more inexperienced users and may lead to unwanted security events or vulnerabilities. Taking all possible risks into consideration, but also technical implications involving the whole architecture of the solution that would require significant modifications, the security researchers and developers have decided that the antivirus will not have a silent feature.

    If, however, there is an unexpected and unnatural behaviour in the way the notifications are being displayed (and by this I mean a threat that is successively triggering a particular notification several times in a row), this is entirely a different story. The solution is not to disable the notifications entirely, but to find the root cause and see what threats are triggering the notification, to what extend and frequence, establish if there are any imminent dangers and address them, and of course fix the unwanted behavior of the notification in the process.

    In regards to the specific Online threat detected notification, Bitdefender’s Online Threat Prevention module may alert you when you try to visit a secured website (HTTPS) with an invalid security certificate. It tends to be websites with lots of ads, such as news websites, and analytics companies with an expired certificate trying to establish a connection. If you wish, you can check their SSL certificates at

    To resolve the issue you are facing, uninstall any unknown programs and browser add-ons from your computer, revoke Web Push permissions for the sites allowed to display messages on your screen, reset your browser and install an ad blocker. For detailed instructions, read – Remove adware, pop-ups, and browser redirects from your PC.

    If you use an email client such as Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird, clean up your inbox by deleting emails from unknown senders. Delete all SPAM/Junk as well. Finally, empty the trash on your email account.

    Should you wish to disable this protection layer (not a recommended action), you can turn off the Encrypted web scan feature. Go to Protection -> Online Threat Prevention -> turn OFF Encrypted Web Scan.

    I hope my explanations bring more clarity and insight.



    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user