Rainmeter.rmskin File Detected As Malicious. Any Suggestions To Prevent This From Happening?

Whenever I want to install Rainmeter Skins, Bitdefender will come screaming at me to stop and then start deleting all the skins I have installed. This is really annoying as Rainmeter is a nice application I use to personalize my desktop. It drops a dll file into the temp files folder and Bitdefender also detects that as malicious when it's not. Is there any way to prevent this from happening?


  • Gjoksi
    Gjoksi Defender of the month mod


    You have been promoted to Level 2.

    You can now post screenshot(s).

    To better understand which module of the Bitdefender program detects the malware, please here in a comment post a screenshot of the notification(s) you get when Bitdefender detects the file as malicious and blocks it.

    For example:
