Why Anti-Tracker Extension is missing on Firefox Add-ons page?
Like in the title :)
I see that Anti-Tracker extension is missing under addons.mozilla.org webpage. When we look deeper we can see that there is only Traffic Light extension there (under Bitdefender developer) : https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/5211286/
When we try to install Anti-Tracker extension from Bitdefender App we are redirected to: https://download.bitdefender.com/windows/desktop/connect/antitracker/bdateff.xpi
It is possible to install the extension (from xpi file), however such approach (not to have it in store) might be seen as "shady". On the other hand, Chrome Anti-Tracker extension is normally available from Chrome Extenstion Web-store.
So what is a reasoning behind such approach?
Thanks in advance!
Have a look at below stated link if it helps
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Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)