Product features and Ideation

Product features and Ideation

InfoBox/ToastMsg: Explorer Settings blocked due to disinfection or etc

In certain occasions...

e.g. after a disinfection (incl. generic false positives), Bitdefender will block certain Windows Features for security, such as and especially Hidden and ShowSuperHidden in HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced .

If the machine is not rebooted but e.g. Hibernate is used and a user does not suspect the Anti-Virus to cause this behavior, it can be a little misleading trying to enable hidden files/folders in the explorer settings or - because it does not work - finally in the registry, seeing that it won't work and not knowing the cause. This applies especially to Free-/Home-users.

If it was possible to detect the user trying to change these settings, a popup message could be nice indicating, that it is blocked on purpose. If it isn't by implementation just forget about this. Otherwise: Especially when working with open-source-stuff and having false-positive indications - maybe to your own software - you may not reboot your computer immediately after a detection.

And if you do not know this behavior of Bitdefender and you suspect your system to be broken, especially medium-experienced users may start messing up their system before thinking of the classic cliché of "Just reboot your machine".

1 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Hello @hra and thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us.

    Following your post here, your suggestion has been automatically forwarded to the product development teams for analysis.

    I appreciate your feedback.



    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user


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