Chinese dotnet

I work in IT for 20 years and im a bit ashamed to say that for the first time this kind of thing happened to me, i was very distracted with something else.

Running a Win11 Pro - all updates installed.

Ok ill start with what happened -

Purchased a wifi cam through TEMU - Cam365.
It has option to store / upload recording to the cloud.
Now i found that quite usefull as i didnt have a spare SD card around.
To purchased i needed a CC - so i created an virtual 1 time CC.
Now the purcase button in the sofware openned a website and because I was so distracted i diddnt notice that another site opened on top over it. same style same font etc. and on this page i continued and entered my details - CUT Tool long / summary:

They tried to take out money of the card a few hours later. Luckily declined as it was 1 time CC.

Few days after i got a phone call form a dude claiming to be from a crypo exchange and that i had a dormant account on which i purchased some coines in 2016 whch were worht 50k plus.

So from that moment all bells went off - he said he was working for the exchange and that he had all the detail from my account. So i had him confirm what he exactly had on me, beholl it was the info from the Above mentioned CC inluding fake addres etc.

So decided to get my devices a little TLC as welll, Purchased copy of Bitdefender + VPN.

Ran some test on BitDef / and other products - all came back clean.

But i noticed something very werid in my list of applications - A chinese dotnet and according to the translation the characters point to a popular chinese download manager.

However i am unable to uninstall it - it doesn show in the list when i want to remove it.
I cant find entries in the program files folder or the registry about it.

Any input much appreciated - FYI as mentioned before - (deep) scans from both bitdef and

P.S. this is my first post, if posting in the wrong location my apologies.

