My bitdefender

My bitdefender

Remote Control Is Gone After Purchase...


I downloaded the Trial version of Total Security.. Installed it on 3 units, and everything worked fine..

Then i desided to buy it.. Purchased the "Famely Pack", uninstalled the trialversions and installed the new ones from the link provided in the email with my registration key.

But now when i log in to MyBitdefender, i dont have the remote control anymore..

I can see all my units and parental control works fine.. But i cant see any remote scan options like i couldt in trial.

I have installed on 3 PC's and 2 phones, and the only "remote" thing working is the antitheft on the phones.

Have i made a wrong purchase?


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  • ✭✭✭
    edited February 2014

    @ mft911

    Welcome to the Bitdefender forums.

    Is everything back to normal now? Did you register the newly purchased license key in the Bitdefender product that used to be a trial or did you reinstall and started fresh?

    Open MyBitdefender from the upper right corner of the Bitdefender interface and check if the email address that appears there corresponds to the one used for your online MyBitdefender account.

    I am here for you should you require further assistance.

  • No it's not back to normal.. I've got a email from the support team 14 days ago saying they are looking in to it.. But nothing else..

    When i purchased i did an uninstall of the trialversion, downloaded the version from the link provided in the email i got from purchase, and installed that.

    I currently have 11 units on my account.. 3 android phones, 4 Desktop and 4 Laptop.. And they are all logged ind correctly.. I can use the "Antitheft" on the androids and the laptops (even those which dont have parrental control activated).. I can trace them from my.bitdefender.

    The Parrental Control is working on the kids computers as well.. I can log in to my.bitdefender and control their webactivity and applications.

    So im pretty sure all units are logged in correctly.

    I just cant make a remote scan or update on any unit at all.

    Everything incl. the remote scan/update worked in the TRIAL-version... Before i uninstalled and reinstalled the purchased version..

  • ✭✭✭


    We are assisting you via e-mail. Your ticket ID is 2014012007050001.

This discussion has been closed.


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