

[solved] Bandwidth Constantly And Massively Used After I Go On Flash Vid Sites. 2014, B



  • But we kindly ask you all to have some patience

    I am laughing ... yellow ...

    Maybe better to take a look at other soft ... Kaspersky maybe ...

    Bitdefender team thanks you all for your feedback!

    Thanks a lot to your excellent dream developper team.

    I think the best developpers are at Bitdefender ...

  • Uninstalled BDTS 2014. Just for proof , here are the screenshots


    When i cant even watch a youtube without manually going to TCPview to close all those open connections , which BDTS is not closing , i think that is time , when you need to uninstall this software.

    anyway left a survey , so that you guys can know what i felt. provided you guys even read it.


    There is no point in leading in AV test , when this basic bug is not fixed.

  • edited January 2014
    <img class=" /><img class=" /><img class=" />. I can't belive it, they haven't fix this issue for 4 years. I reported it every year, but nothing. Nowadays, I'm using temporary solution from Joshy and happy with it :wub:

  • <img class=" /><img class=" /><img class=" />. I can't belive it, they haven't fix this issue for 4 years. I reported it every year, but nothing. Nowadays, I'm using temporary solution from Joshy and happy with it :wub:

    And this is "the best antivirus"!! To be the best you need to have a support which BitDefender does not have.

  • Hello everyone,

    As Microsoft specifies, an offloaded TCP connection enters the FIN_WAIT_2 state.

    The standard value for the timer of the FIN_WAIT_2 connections is 120 seconds.

    Thus, any connection that persists for a period of time smaller than 2 minutes, falls under the Microsoft normal technical specifications.

    All this information can be found here, in this Microsoft article:

    Should you encounter this issue for a period of time longer then 2 minutes, please let us know so we can investigate your specific situation.

    Thank you in advance for understanding.

  • Hello everyone,

    As Microsoft specifies, an offloaded TCP connection enters the FIN_WAIT_2 state.

    The standard value for the timer of the FIN_WAIT_2 connections is 120 seconds.

    Thus, any connection that persists for a period of time smaller than 2 minutes, falls under the Microsoft normal technical specifications.

    All this information can be found here, in this Microsoft article:

    Should you encounter this issue for a period of time longer then 2 minutes, please let us know so we can investigate your specific situation.

    Thank you in advance for understanding.

    I don't if I should laugh or if I should cry. After all these months-years of users reporting this problem this is the official response from BD support?!

    This response from Christian comes at the right time for me. I am a paying user for the last few years and the last time I bought 10 licenses.

    BD support has disappointed me because it was unable to help me in a number of problems I had.

    In a couple of days the one year license ends and I can't wait to uninstall BD once and for all in all the machines I have.

    Goodbye and "Thank you in advance for understanding."

  • Hello everyone,

    As Microsoft specifies, an offloaded TCP connection enters the FIN_WAIT_2 state.

    The standard value for the timer of the FIN_WAIT_2 connections is 120 seconds.

    Thus, any connection that persists for a period of time smaller than 2 minutes, falls under the Microsoft normal technical specifications.

    All this information can be found here, in this Microsoft article:

    Should you encounter this issue for a period of time longer then 2 minutes, please let us know so we can investigate your specific situation.

    Thank you in advance for understanding.

    Really ?

    Did you even read the problem users are facing ? I lost my monthly high speed bandwidth , thanks to your software ,which cant even close a proper connection, after the main software closed. You come out and start showing definition ?

    I really dont think i will install BDTS (firewall ) atleast..

    Atleast see what the Joshy patch is doing to temporarily solve the bug .. learn from the patch

  • Really ?

    Did you even read the problem users are facing ? I lost my monthly high speed bandwidth , thanks to your software ,which cant even close a proper connection, after the main software closed. You come out and start showing definition ?

    I really dont think i will install BDTS (firewall ) atleast..

    Atleast see what the Joshy patch is doing to temporarily solve the bug .. learn from the patch

    This is proof that they are not using BitDefender :D

  • OMG ... tought it was my router .... CMON bitdefender... 4 years on that firewall issue...

  • That's why I stopped using this "awesome" program. Goodbye Bitdefender and never come back!!!

  • Hello everyone,

    As Microsoft specifies, an offloaded TCP connection enters the FIN_WAIT_2 state.

    The standard value for the timer of the FIN_WAIT_2 connections is 120 seconds.

    Thus, any connection that persists for a period of time smaller than 2 minutes, falls under the Microsoft normal technical specifications.

    All this information can be found here, in this Microsoft article:

    Should you encounter this issue for a period of time longer then 2 minutes, please let us know so we can investigate your specific situation.

    Thank you in advance for understanding.

    I LOLd reading your final statement for this 4yr long problem....ty vm Christian and Bitdefender . Appreciate it <img class=" />

  • Whenever I stream a flash video on youtube or any other websites, even after closing google chrome, I see the video is still downloading and I have to disconnect my internet and connect again to stop this weird download !

    for more than 15 min.... had to disconnect the internet .... the firewall is sucking my internet bandwidth

  • edited February 2014

    roberto55 It's Microsoft fault <img class=" />

  • edited February 2014

    After all "answers" from BD support my only question is "How stupid you must be to buy BD after reading this?!"

  • Thanks for the limited time renewal offer but you couldn't give me your products. Your support has been atrocious and blocking me from your Facebook page for requesting support on this issue hilarious.

    Uninstalling your product was the best thing I ever did, in fact I’m embarrassed it took as long as it did. Was well worth the price of the last year’s unused subscription.

    Christian did you come up with that response all on your own? Comedic gold i say!

  • that firewall issue is not enought for me to stop using bitdefender but cmon Christian... go watch some videos on than close your internet and check your network activity... for more than 15 minutes my network was going crazy. I cant believe no bitdefender engineers care about this issue.

  • Do they know how to fix this issue?Cause I'm not sure about that?

    This is embarrassing.

  • FWIW, I don't have this problem with any flash sites I have come across.

    Bitdefender Internet Security - Build:

  • After such a slap in the face from Christian after 4 years of jerking around, there really is no other recourse but this:

    I will actively dissuade anybody and everybody I know who owns a PC, tablet or a smartphone from ever using any of your crap products. If I can get them to switch to your competitors' paid products fine; if not, I will buy those people Kaspersky, ESET, Norton or other licences from my own pocket or at least install them avast.

    I will go out of my way to thoroughly comment on your disgusting business practices (shady auto-renewal), programming incompetence (fin_wait_2) and horrible support (Christian and Georgia jerking us around for years) in every article, blog post, forum thread or subreddit I come across which mentions Bitdefender or AV security business in any way.

    Telling you people to be ashamed of yourselves would sadly be without result, as you have shown us plenty so far that you have no decency whatsoever. You're beyond shaming, companies like this should be fought against by any means necessary.

    You Bitdefender employees are dishonest, amoral, incapable and beyond saving. Simply put, you are trash.

  • I uninstalled your software till solving this annoying issue ... but the weird thing I got is this :

    I installed AVG premium security 2014 as substitute but I found that same issue still exist !

    (my internet speed was fully occupied when streaming video and walking around it then closing the tab or browser or even starting download a link and pause or cancel it).

    I was surprised !!!!! then I guessed that it may be my pc issue or bitdefender left some traces that still control my connection behavior !!! I decided to search around to investigate this issue till I got headache and finally decided to rest and test another security solution just to make sure ..

    I moved to ESET smart security 7 and guess what !! all my connection issues have been solved I don't know what was wrong but it seems your product and AVG are using same technology that conflict with windows ! or something I don't know! I hope this help your developers figure out the issue and solve it as soon as possible.

    Iam now running ESET smart security 7 and for more security and testing I installed zemana antilogger and everything till now looks fine.

    I hope this help your developers in this weird issue :blink:

  • I put a similar question in the general section but it relates more to this thread.

    I have BDIS (just recently upgraded from BDID 2010) and am finding this problem with watching videos extremely

    frustrating and have started looking at other suites. My problem is I have 250 days left on my license. Is it possible

    to use the BDIS license for BD Antivirus Plus? I would uninstall BDIS, install BDAV+ and use Windows Firewall. This

    seems like the easiest and cheapest solution for people with existing licenses. Has anybody tried this combination

    or know of a reason that this is not a good idea? The AV-Comparatives test of firewalls from 03/2014

    ( ) suggests that the Windows

    Firewall is as good as any firewalls included with the various security suites (including BD).

    I haven't had any problems with the AV part of BDIS, just the firewall and I understand from this thread (and my own

    experience) that turning off the BD firewall doesn't alleviate the problem. I've turned it off and started Windows Firewall

    and it still happened so I thought it was the AV side causing the problem until I started reading posts in the forum that

    said that disabling the firewall wasn't enough.

    Any thoughts?

  • edited May 2014

    I submitted a question to support about the license (from my last post), saying that I was peeved about this bandwidth

    problem and they suggested 2 things. One was to go into the Firewall (manage adaptor) settings and set it to "Home/

    Office", Stealth Mode "off" and Generic "yes". The next step is to go into the BD settings, select Firewall, advanced

    settings and turn Intrusion Detection off (and then reboot). I tried this on YouTube, opening 8 videos and then stopping

    them. Network traffic (using Networx) dropped immediately where before it stayed active for a couple of minutes before.

    An added bonus was that the boot (black screen while waiting for log on) dropped from about a minute to 30 seconds.

    It was a short test but it seems to fix the problem. I'll keep testing it when I get a chance.

  • I submitted a question to support about the license (from my last post), saying that I was peeved about this bandwidth

    problem and they suggested 2 things. One was to go into the Firewall (manage adaptor) settings and set it to "Home/

    Office", Stealth Mode "off" and Generic "yes". The next step is to go into the BD settings, select Firewall, advanced

    settings and turn Intrusion Detection off (and then reboot). I tried this on YouTube, opening 8 videos and then stopping

    them. Network traffic (using Networx) dropped immediately where before it stayed active for a couple of minutes before.

    An added bonus was that the boot (black screen while waiting for log on) dropped from about a minute to 30 seconds.

    It was a short test but it seems to fix the problem. I'll keep testing it when I get a chance.

    Unfortunately PROBLEM still exist !!!! and it's still escalated to developers !!

  • ✭✭✭

    Hello all,

    This is just a short follow-up to let you know that we have a potential fix which is currently tested internally. If all the tests are passed, it will be released soon.

    Hope you all have a great day!

  • Hello all,

    This is just a short follow-up to let you know that we have a potential fix which is currently tested internally. If all the tests are passed, it will be released soon.

    Hope you all have a great day!

    REALLY!! after about one year there is a potential fix <img class=" /> ... :wacko: and still in testing phase :blink: ... dude your company urgently need hiring some kickass developers who can deal with such kickass problems <img class=" />

  • ✭✭✭

    Thank you all for your patience.

    The ghost traffic issue reported in this topic was solved a few hours ago via automatic update of Bitdefender (no build change).

    Please make sure that the Bitdefender product updates daily, and in order to do this please right click on the Bitdefender icon from the system tray (near Windows clock) and choose 'Update now'. The update requires a system reboot to replace all files.

    Thank you for helping us to fix it! :)

  • thanks to the developers for getting round to fixing that. it seems to have worked on my systems.

  • A fix for something that was reported years ago and the pervious resolution was working as intended. Too little too late!

  • OMG thank you it works... I will now install bitdefender on the laptop of my brother who has limited amount of download

  • ✭✭✭

    Glad to hear it. Thank you both for posting back your results! :)

  • A fix for something that was reported years ago and the pervious resolution was working as intended. Too little too late!

    Better late than never. That was embarrassing for Bitdefender. They have lost thousands of potential customers because of this.

  • Better late than never. That was embarrassing for Bitdefender. They have lost thousands of potential customers because of this.

    Ignoring customers for over 3 years might as well be never. I will not be returning or recommending Bitdefender products again regardless of the fix.

  • Thank you, good job. After many years, finally, this issue is resolved. :rolleyes:

  • So nice tool "BitDefenderBandwidthFix.exe" is not more necessary and can be removed?

  • So nice tool "BitDefenderBandwidthFix.exe" is not more necessary and can be removed?

    Really no hint? :unsure:

  • seeing as the issue is fixed I'd give it a go. I never used the fix tool though so can't confirm categorically what would happen.

  • I'm not sure where to put this post but I just installed 2016 BD Total Security and am having the same problem again.

    Multiple flash vids slowing network to a crawl. Not dropping the connections. Need to reboot my modem to clean it up.

  • I have BD Total Security 2016 and this happens to me (happened with the 2015 edition as well).

    Flash videos cause this issue and I need to manually close the Fin_Wait 2 connections with Tcpview.


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