

2015 Has 2 Many Features I Can't Disable So I May By Another Vp

My 2013 2 yr subscription ran out so I dnlded the 2015 BD TS free trial. Here is the reason I may switch to another VP.

1. I noticed In task manager processes BD wallet was running. I do not need wallet so why let it run. I tried to end task and it would not end. I also I went to privacy wallet settings, unckecked wallet IE and Safepay, that should have shut it down but its still running in processes. Can't shut Wallet process off. The file path shows C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender 2015\bdwtxag.exe, would it be ok to delete that application?

2. Also I could find no where to get the Black tab to show like I had in 2013, it has the site advisory setting I am thinking.

3. When running a search the Site Advisor is not showing, it showed in BD 2013 TS.

4. In Safepay settings I check "don't use safepay". But if I go back and check its reverted back to "ask me"

5. Bottom line, if I want to disable some feature it should be my dicission not my VP discission.


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  • Thought there was edit on this forum, guess not.

    To add to my post. I said I turned Safepay off, but its still runing as a process which I can't end. WTH can't I end processes Safepay and wallet. I do not need them.

  • 19 views and no replies. So I guess none of the features I mentioned can be disabled.

    BD needs to let buyers decide what runs and what is disabled.

    I also noticed in processes that Wallet Aps Agent is running, gessssss.....Tried to end that and lust like BD wallet agent it won't end....Neither of these are in services or startup so I see no way to shut down Wallet, WTH?

  • 19 views and no replies. So I guess none of the features I mentioned can be disabled.

    BD needs to let buyers decide what runs and what is disabled.

    I also noticed in processes that Wallet Aps Agent is running, gessssss.....Tried to end that and lust like BD wallet agent it won't end....Neither of these are in services or startup so I see no way to shut down Wallet, WTH?

    I feel your pain. The fact that a process continues to run after the associated feature is disabled is just bad code writing. But BD 2015 is still young and there is a chance we will see a better product in a future build. :rolleyes:

  • so know one has any tips on how to disable Wallet?

    Is there a way to get the blk tab toolbar to show?

    Site Advisor, does BD 2015 disable it?

    Now this is the trial version I have, it shows Build when I click on about.

    Now I have 2013, maybe I'll just get another 2013 version it works ok. 2 years ago I bought a 3pc 2 year subscription for $29 on ebay so maybe I'll do that again, buy 2013. How is the 2014 version, does it have same issues?

  • I feel your pain. The fact that a process continues to run after the associated feature is disabled is just bad code writing. But BD 2015 is still young and there is a chance we will see a better product in a future build. :rolleyes:

    Do you mean a fix for 2015 problems or do you mean the next version 2016?

  • BD CS in here is about worthless. I guess if they can't fix a problem they don't acknowledge the person asking or reply.

  • My 2013 2 yr subscription ran out so I dnlded the 2015 BD TS free trial. Here is the reason I may switch to another VP.

    1. I noticed In task manager processes BD wallet was running. I do not need wallet so why let it run. I tried to end task and it would not end. I also I went to privacy wallet settings, unckecked wallet IE and Safepay, that should have shut it down but its still running in processes. Can't shut Wallet process off. The file path shows C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender 2015\bdwtxag.exe, would it be ok to delete that application?

    2. Also I could find no where to get the Black tab to show like I had in 2013, it has the site advisory setting I am thinking.

    3. When running a search the Site Advisor is not showing, it showed in BD 2013 TS.

    4. In Safepay settings I check "don't use safepay". But if I go back and check its reverted back to "ask me"

    5. Bottom line, if I want to disable some feature it should be my dicission not my VP discission.

    Hello Charly,

    I don't believe you can turn off Wallet, there have been requests to disable it running but no answer on this as yet.

    Site Advisor works fine for me with Firefox in BD TS, make sure it is all turned on in GUI>Protection>Web Protection "Show Toolbar" and "Show Search Advisor".

    I don't see where you can turn off Safepay? You sure you are not looking at SafeBox?

    The User Manual may help, found here -

  • ✭✭
    edited October 2014

    Regarding the post edit on the forums mentioned in your second post, if you leave the forum and then return you lose the edit post function as I have just found out looking at the Safepay settings.

    The settings are in the Safepay browser, just discovered them, but mine stays fixed, I set it to "Don't use Safepay" and it still set after two computer reboots.

  • Hello Charly,

    I don't believe you can turn off Wallet, there have been requests to disable it running but no answer on this as yet.

    Site Advisor works fine for me with Firefox in BD TS, make sure it is all turned on in GUI>Protection>Web Protection "Show Toolbar" and "Show Search Advisor".

    I don't see where you can turn off Safepay? You sure you are not looking at SafeBox?

    Its BS there's no way to disable Wallet. Why have something running eating up memory and slowing PC down when you don't need it. No, looking at safepay not safebox.

    As for Site Advisor I have IE9. Never used anything else but IE in over 10 yrs and dont' want to try anything else. BD Search Advisor worked before my 2013 BD ran out and I dnlded 2015 30day trail. I also ran repair and found where where to turn on Search Adviosor on(Protection/web protection). Never seen it before so maybe the repair added it.

    I have everything checked on web protection and the black toolbar tab and advisor both don't work.

    The settings are in the Safepay browser, just discovered them, but mine stays fixed, I set it to "Don't use Safepay" and it still set after two computer reboots.

    But, is it running as a process in task manager? If it is then on.

  • In BD 2015, bdagent.exe now starts the Wallet processes automatically.

    Download Process Hacker (a replacement for Task Manager and much more powerful than Sysinternal's Process Explorer) from Sourceforge...

    You can then terminate the Wallet processes.

  • In BD 2015, bdagent.exe now starts the Wallet processes automatically.

    Download Process Hacker (a replacement for Task Manager and much more powerful than Sysinternal's Process Explorer) from Sourceforge...

    You can then terminate the Wallet processes.

    Yes, but they will start all over again when you reboot your pc, aren't they?

  • As I said, this issue is just bad code writing by BD's developers.

    And Charly1954, this forum is notorious for the missing BD support techs. If it were not for the dedicated users with significant BD knowledge like Rohugh, I would have gone elsewhere by now.

  • All I can say is I WON"T be spending any $$ on BD 2015, it takes up to much of my PC memory and slows it down. If I could disable a few things I might consider it.

    Looks like I will either be buying 2013 BD again. Wonder if I buy 2013 BD TS(3pc 2year)again will BD support it for 2 more years? If not I better go with some other VP


    Put in options where buyers can DISABLE what they don't frikin need

  • I think Protection Mode on Secure Tab in Internet Option has something to do with Site advisor not working in a search.

    Since I couldn't get BD Siteadvisor to work, I decided to dnld McAfees SiteAdvisor to see if it would work. Right away it worked, then I noticed today it stopped working. Here's the fix. I use my web history and noticed todays sites where not being saved. I have had this problem many times before and the fix is to check or uncheck Protection Mode. If its checked I uncheck and if its unchecked I check it. That always fixes the problem of web history not being saved in broswer history, no idea why it does. But when I did check Protection Mode McAfee siteadvisor started showing. No idea how it fixed it but it did. BD siteadvisor still isn't working, just McAfee SA.

    It goes back and forth, in a few months web history will stop saving visited sites and I'll have to uncheck Protection Mode to get them saved. Then months after that I'll have to check the box. Its been like this for many years, Anyone know why?

  • Its BS there's no way to disable Wallet. Why have something running eating up memory and slowing PC down when you don't need it. No, looking at safepay not safebox.

    I've never seen the Wallet process use any more memory than this on my systems (I have it turned off in the UI)..

    bdwtxag.exe, 3784, < 0.01, 14.05 MB, Bitdefender Wallet Agent, Bitdefender, Bitdefender SRL

    I don't see where it's eating up memory and slowing the PC down.

    If another product better meets your requirements, by all means use it.

    The sky is not falling using BD.


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