

A Complaint

For two days now the forums have been overrun with this bloody Chinese(?) spam to the point of making them practically unusable and absolutely no response from BD. This is totally unprofessional. TOTALLY! It really makes me wonder about the rest of their operation.


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  • edited October 2015

    Yes embarrassing.

    Plus no answer to my 1 week old support ticket, yet. But the payment process worked really good!

    Unfortunately customer support isn't rated in security software tests.

  • Very embarrassing indeed.

    How can we trust a product from a company that can't even keep the spammers away from their own forums?

    Or are they too busy answering my two submitted support requests?

    Nah can't be, since they don't answer at all!

    Disrespect, lack of interest or they just don't care.

  • Very embarrassing indeed.

    How can we trust a product from a company that can't even keep the spammers away from their own forums?

    I don't anymore. How good the reviews of their antivirus maybe, I'm done with bitdefender.


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