Export/Import Settings Feature

Hello Bitdefender,

To start with I think that this feature has been requested for a fair long time by lots of your customers.

I`m long time user (3 years) and BETA tester and after all these years I`m tired of always set especially Firewall and Exclusions settings after new version release or after reinstalling your product.

What settings in my opinion need to be saved / exported:

- Firewall settings

- Antivirus Exclusions 

Best regards,



  • mdgboxx
    mdgboxx ✭✭✭

    I also agree. 

    Reading this thread reminded me to check my settings once again. Sure enough, I had to reset them manually. 

  • I agree, too. This would make life MUCH easier and using the product much more convenient.

    Being able to save and restore Antivirus exclusions and firewall settings would be great.

    The ability to save and restore white-listed web addresses would be nice, too.

  • 1 hour ago, Mark L said:

    I agree, too. This would make life MUCH easier and using the product much more convenient.

    Being able to save and restore Antivirus exclusions and firewall settings would be great.

    The ability to save and restore white-listed web addresses would be nice, too.

    need to be able to backup all custom settings. 

  • On 11/8/2016 at 4:14 PM, LOTN2635599 said:

    need to be able to backup all custom settings. 

    Yes, I agree, that would be much better still... But if they can only manage to save and restore *part* of the settings, the ones I mentioned would be a good start. But, really, it would be much preferable to be able to save and restore *ALL* custom settings, all at once.

  • I also agree, is very annoying to manually enter all firewall settings (apps blacklist or whitelist) if the antivirus needs to be re-installed after some issue. Export/Import list should be a must.


  • Yes I also got the same here, the thing is that they must apply the same steps like the special function of a specific browser in importing exclusions or any information regarding about the antivirus, lets still hope for the best. default_happy.png

  • FIVE YEARS LATER and still no answer? That's pretty pathetic. Like it is not a paid application. Unbelievable support...

  • Dito, 7 Years Later and still no answer!!!!

  • This feature will often see large plugins provide is the ability to import and export their settings, making it much easier to migrate sites or to simply replicate the same setup across multiple sites.