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Will Bitdefender Install On A Google Chrome OS Notebook?

Will Bitdefender Install On A Google Chrome OS Notebook?


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Best Answer


  • Hello @Dacster and welcome to the Community!

    You can install Android applications on chromebook. Bitdefender Mobile Security can be installed as an Android application, but scanning will only be available for other android applications, thus it will not provide full coverage.

    Best regards.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • By saying not providing full coverage, what does it not cover?

  • Hi @CGG,

    Scanning will only be available for other android applications on chromebook, thus you will not benefit from the full protection offered by Mobile Security.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • I'm not certain as to when app protections end and chromebook is on its own.

    How about a list of what is NOT covered?

  • I have Bitdefender Total Security. I tried to add it to my Chromebook without success. Does Bitdefender make a product for Chromebooks?

    Thank you.

  • Defender of the month mod

    @Johnny Lipshitz


    You can install Android apps, including Bitdefender Mobile Security on your Chromebook:

    Chromebooks that support Android apps:


  • The Android bitdefender app + VPN app will install on ChromeOS and operate with most of it's funcionality. However it will only be able to monitor and maintain Android related installed apps and communications via those apps. The Linux side of ChromeOS is bubbled completely seperatly and essentially in that regards is it's own level of security as you can powerwash if something goes wrong or something seems up. The Bitdefender anti tracker Chrome extension will also install on ChromeOS of course too. All of these are 100% added protection and the VPN can even snag you access to another countries Netflix if you so desire. ;)


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