Come say hello and tell us about yourself!



  • My name is Kevin. I work for a promotional marketing agency in US. Assisting with information security management. In my spare time I fly sailplanes.

    We are a 100% macOS shop and control many things on company issued laptops using SimpleMDM, but there are a few things that we need to have more control of or have more visibility into. Hoping Bitdefender can be the tool for us.

  • Hi folks. My name is Ian, and I retired about two months ago from working as an Instructional Designer for a world-class MDR cybersecurity company HQ'd in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. With more time to focus on life outside of employment, I'm looking to strengthen my home network security. I'm relatively new to using Bitdefender, though I've heard of it for several years. I just kept getting cheap deals for other Internet security apps (McA*** and Nor* ** mostly). Now I want to get serious, including the addition of VPN on all of our devices.

  • My name is David. I have used Norton Anti-Virus for years but recently switched to Bitdefender. I am very happy with all of it, except for one thing...

    I. Need. To. Know. How. To. Stop. Those. Bloody. Pop-ups.

    This is killing me. I don't care that Bitdefender sell a VPN (I already have one). I don't care that anything is 'optimised' for work. I don't care that banking can be made more secure. I don't care that when I'm torrenting Bitdefender has noticed and can sell me a VPN that I don't need.
  • Hello! I am Gary.
    I have used Bitdefender since it first started on a PC.
    Now I am on iOS only.
    Is there an area dedicated to the iOS users on the beta version on iOS? I know the security situation is different with it.
    I hope to get involved more here.
    - Gary
  • DronePilot
    edited December 2021

    hi my name is Bill i am retired from " IT " as of last year. I started my career around 1985. I started at the last of the mainframes. Saw PC's become popular. I like flying my drone, day trading, working on cars, and smallengines. I like electronics both analog and digital. In fact in High School i was taking Analog electronics, no calculators, PC's , LCDs either Nixie tubes , CRT's or analog meters for worldly outside reading of what was going on. Had a slide rule for calculations. I remeber the day our instructor came in and informed us about a new company called Intel and something called digital electronics. I started working when i was 14 working at nights after school or weekends. All the nice days i was inside repairing someones whatever. Now its time for adventure, everyday is a saturday.

  • Hello @DronePilot and welcome to the Bitdefender Expert Community!

    Thanks for sharing your story with us and I'm glad you're now enjoying the free time for which you worked so hard. What type of drone do you fly, it's an FPV or competition? I myself am an automotive enthusiat, so I'd love to hear more about that as well, if you wish.

    Stay safe,


    Intel Core i7-7700 @ 3.60Ghz, 64GB DDR4 || Gigabyte nVIDIA GeForce® GTX 1070 G1 8GB || WD Blue NAND 500GB + 1TB

  • Hello everyone.
    My name is Sina .
    I have worked about10 years in networking, specially cisco, virtualization and MikroTik and sometimes security.
    recently I joined to a Bitdefender Certified Distributer company as Technical.
    It's my pleasure that I'm here.

    Best Regards
  • Hello @Sina_B_T and welcome to the Community!

    I take this opportunity to congratulate you for joining the Bitdefender family!

    Wow, 10 years in the tech field, that's impressive!

    I hope you will enjoy your stay and have fun 😊


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • > @Alexandru_BD said:
    > Hello @Sina_B_T and welcome to the Community!
    > I take this opportunity to congratulate you for joining the Bitdefender family!
    > Wow, 10 years in the tech field, that's impressive!
    > I hope you will enjoy your stay and have fun 😊
    > Cheers!

    Tank you @Alexandru_BD

    Stay Safe
  • DoItToIt_09
    edited January 2022

    Hi @Andy_BD and everyone else!

    I'm new here. Hopefully I'll enjoy my stay in this forum.

    About me? I work as a freelancer; I usually write for various clients and complete ad hoc tasks for them.

    My hobbies include reading books, watching Netflix while chilling, eating cheese-flavored popcorn and licking the cheese off my fingers, and listening to music of all genres.

    What motivates me now is money. I'm trying to save up for future travels, so when it's already safe to be roaming the world again, I have the financial resource to get the heck out of this country for a while.

    One of my favorite persons in the world is Taylor Swift (yes, I'm a Swiftie, I think). This woman continually impresses me with her songwriting ability and more importantly her business savviness and work ethic (which other artist can release multiple albums in a single calendar year? Her productivity is out of this world!).


  • Hello and a warm welcome to the Community!

    I have a huge respect for freelancing, as it sells value and offers the opportunity to work on your own terms. So I guess that it really depends on how motivated you are and if you are willing to go the extra mile to achieve your goals. Money is a necessity after all, we need them to pay our bills and make a decent living. But what I learned is that you can get extremely motivated to go above and beyond to get them, if you are really enjoying your work. This has to be one of the key elements if you want to be successful. When work meets passion, that is where things are happening.

    Been watching the Blacklist on Netflix lately, I find it quite good. Taylor Swift? She has to be one of the most beautiful women that ever lived on this Planet.

    Let us know when you start travelling. I might actually open a category for travel experiences. What do you think? This place doesn't have to be all about viruses and bugs, we can also have a good time and share experiences, right?


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • NoriiSun1
    edited February 2022

    Hi there!

    I'm NoriiSun, I have been using Bitdefender for about a year now and I have to say it blows the competition out of the water. I have no profession, I am a school student that enjoys helping people getting malware protection, playing games (e.g. FIFA). I am currently using Bitdefender Total Security and its Premium VPN and I have to say, after using your products, the closest thing that I can think of that comes close to it is Kaspersky; and not even that is a match for this antivirus.


    NoriiSun1 ☺️

  • Hello @NoriiSun1 and a warm welcome to the Community! Your contribution is highly appreciated!

    I am happy to hear you are enjoying your Bitdefender products and I hope you will also enjoy your time here on the forum 🙂

    What are you studying and where are you from?

    FIFA is one of my favourite games. I play with Liverpool on XBOX ONE and I'm excited to get the 2022 game.

    I usually buy them 2 years apart, so the last one I played was 2020. I must say that the improvements are also very noticeable, when skipping a version.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • NoriiSun1
    edited January 2022
    Hi there Alexandru I am studying in The united kingdom I'm in secondary school

    I'm 14 years old Soon to be 15

    I mostly look up viruses in my free time and what antivirus remove them and how to remove them

    Also about FIFA I only got 2021 at the moment I am playing Division rivalry playing with Manchester United

    And would one day wish to become part of the bitdefender team

    Thanks NoriiSun1
  • Very nice!

    Well, the Community is a good place to start and here you can share your passion with fellow members!

    May all your dreams come true 🙂


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Mike_BD
    Mike_BD BD Staff
    edited February 2022

    Hello everyone,

    My name is Mike, I'm 42 , started as programmer and helpdesk, but continued in advertising for quite some time. I've always kept my passion for all IT-related stuff and in 2021 I have joined Bitdefender. Together with @Alexandru_BD I am striving to further build this community.

    I have been racing (rally and circuit) for some years, now retired, been to Silverstone a couple of times, love biking and 1:87 train models.

    My 10yo boy is also quite a computer aficionado and I have in him a tough competitor of Starcraft 2 😊.



    Intel Core i7-7700 @ 3.60Ghz, 64GB DDR4 || Gigabyte nVIDIA GeForce® GTX 1070 G1 8GB || WD Blue NAND 500GB + 1TB

  • Hello all!

    I'm Denise and I'm very happy to be here to hopefully gain insights to things I am unaware of because: 1. I'm old; 2. I will need help figuring out what causes some issues (AARP is unsafe?), 3. How to protect myself from potential spying/intrusive applications and if they are TRULY unsafe (I question a LOT of those things!).

    While I'm no newbie to the internet, I am new to the security measures being produced and quite honestly do not understand most of it. I've only ever had one virus and that was in 2004. However, I very aware of recent Ransomware attacks and they scare me because I'm always online and work in a virtual environment.

    I've been using Bitdefender since last summer. I have it on a laptop, a desktop, 2 phones, and a tablet. Way better than what I was using (or not using!). So less intrusive with much lighter weight of resource allocation.

    Hobbies?? ME??? I am a workaholic!!! If I'm not working, I'm organizing, cleaning, shopping, am almost always listening to music (also via the internet), doing legal research (not my profession), watching Netflix or HBO Max, or just surfing for ideas for organizing and cleaning (constitutes most of my shopping lol).

    I am not into gaming, unfortunately for the younger folk, but I do hear a lot about it from my sons.

    I am happy to poke around a while and see what I can find! Again, happy to be here!



  • Hi, I am a 46 year old Male from Denmark.
    I have been using BTS for 5-6 years, could not imagine going with any other security software, I sincerely love Bitdefender not just BTS but also Digital Protection & Bitdefender Mobile Security.
    I am probably a security mad-man, I secure my Data/Devices to the best of my knowledge also with other kind of software for other security aspects.
    My hobbies are PC & Audio, you could say I am an Audiophile.
    I am retired, living on a Pension.
    I have 22 year old Daughter.
    Thank you, I think that is all I like to share :)
  • Hi, I'm a Southeast Asian man who is over 50. I use my desktop mainly for reading, youtube, streaming, gaming, and work. I am not a computer geek (not good enough to get myself out of computer issues) so I rely on having good internet security for protection - antivirus, safepay and firewall. I've used various paid solutions over the decades - Symantec, ESET, Webroot, and in the last two years, Kaspersky which I am pretty pleased with.

    However, I am outraged by Putin's invasion of Ukraine and decided to uninstall my Kaspersky yesterday and replaced it with Bitdefender. It may not be relevant and may not mean much but that's just how I feel about it.

    I intend to get the Bitdefender Total Security version once the trial is over and also secure my mobile phone with it. Thanks for reading and may God Bless You!

  • What a productive action, & good for yourself, Bitdefender Total Security is a much better solution.
  • I’m Derb. Hello all. I'm a retired guy who used to program the larger computers. Much has changed, eh? I like having a user community where other users help out and I hope to be one helping, though my experience with Bitdefender is new. Right now I have a problem but can't find a place to enter my issue. I'm sure I'll find it eventually. Thanks to all ahead of time.

    I'm making my Cane Corso Puppies a cup of tea. Would you like to know more about

    some cane corso puppies near me, cane corso puppies for sale, cane corso puppies. 

    It's a lot of fun! .

  • Gauthey
    Gauthey ✭✭✭


    My name is Christophe, I have been a professional webmaster for more than 15 years and a computer scientist for more than 10 years. I design websites and I am also at the head of a recognized website hosting infrastructure in France.

    I live in Switzerland in the canton of Vaud, Bitdefender followed me throughout my childhood and until today I grew up with it throughout its development.

  • Hi All

    I am Scott as you may have guessed. :) I live in the USA, have worked in the computer sciences field for over 40 years, and operate my own company. I'm looking forward to the healthy exchange of ideas bound to happen here.


  • Hi,

    I'm Alan, an old git living in the UK. I used to use Kaspersky for quite a while, now I am just cautious as to where I go and what I do online. That was until I had to do new install of Win11 and had issues with Micro$oft Defender not playing ball. Not wanting to be without any form of protection I looked around. I read a few articles online and saw that BitDefender was the highest rated AV on all of the sites I looked at. Used the free 30 day trial for about 3 days, took up the offer of 5 PCs and 10 VPN for £59 and here I am. Its a bit of a juggle tho, as to decide which machines/mobile devices I'll install BD on as I have far too many devices than licenses and I dont want to be throwing money at companies so I'll decide later at to where they'll go.

    I am computer literate and heavily into gaming, even tho I'm 55 and should know better. I work as a CNC programmer/operator for a furniture/shopfitting company.

  • Mike_BD
    Mike_BD BD Staff

    Welcome, @QuiX and thanks for sharing bits of your personal life.

    55 is 15 when it comes to gaming, I think many of the members would agree on this one. What are your favs at the moment?



    Intel Core i7-7700 @ 3.60Ghz, 64GB DDR4 || Gigabyte nVIDIA GeForce® GTX 1070 G1 8GB || WD Blue NAND 500GB + 1TB

  • Mike_BD
    Mike_BD BD Staff

    He @ScottS and a warm welcome! What does your company do? Do you use Bitdefender Consumer products or Enterprise solutions?



    Intel Core i7-7700 @ 3.60Ghz, 64GB DDR4 || Gigabyte nVIDIA GeForce® GTX 1070 G1 8GB || WD Blue NAND 500GB + 1TB

  • Mike_BD
    Mike_BD BD Staff

    Hi Frank and welcome! Funny thing...just heard a good friend of mine wanting a Cane Corso for her father 😊

    Intel Core i7-7700 @ 3.60Ghz, 64GB DDR4 || Gigabyte nVIDIA GeForce® GTX 1070 G1 8GB || WD Blue NAND 500GB + 1TB

  • Hello everyone,

    My name is John, I am a website developer, living in Chicago,

    Good to be a part of the community! 🙂

  • Hello everyone and thank you for joining us here!

    My name is Alexandru, I'm 36, born in Bucharest, Romania. I've joined Bitdefender in the summer of 2019 as Lead of the Commercial Support Team. During my professional career, I have worked in advertising, tourism, logistics, telecommunications and IT, mostly in the consumer areas.

    I love cars, motorsport and everything related to it. I watch the F1 races, go to racing events and tuning shows. I also like miniature car models. I am passionate about football and I enjoy attending matches regularly. My other hobbies are driving, travelling and socializing with friends, meeting new people and learning about new cultures.

    I am currently studying Communication and Public Relations at the University of Bucharest.

    I would like to take advantage of this opportunity to show my appreciation towards all our members and contributors that help us build and develop this Community, by showing their support and sharing their knowledge.

    Best wishes!

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Hello everyone:

    I am Pere from Spain delighted to join this community.

    I have used Bitdefender on several occasions but due to the events of the last month I have decided to install Bitdefender on all my computers and uninstall the antivirus that I have used for years. Greetings

  • Math_Matei
    Math_Matei ✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2022

    Salutare! Ma numesc Matei și sunt absolvent al Facultății de Matematică din București ( din cadrul Universității din București ) Sunt profesor de matematică la un liceu din Râmnicu Sărat și sunt extrem de apreciat de elevii mei, de toate generațiile ce mi-au trecut "prin mână".

    Încă de la începutul pandemiei am luat decizia să fac ore online, suplimentare, de matematică cu elevii interesați de aceasta disciplină. Astfel, în fiece săptămână, fac cate o oră cu clasele a 9-a, a 10-a și a 11-a, iar cu a 12-a aloc câte 2 ore săptămânal. Iar toate astea sunt gratuite!

    Sunt Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert, încă din 2020, iar grație acestui fapt am reușit să îmi pot lua licență la Office 365 planul A3 pentru profesori. Astfel am putut să-mi țin orele pe cea mai performantă platformă, anume Microsoft Teams. Sunt în al 3-lea an de licențiere.

    Am participat la webinariile organizate de parteneri Microsoft ( nu cred că am voie să le dau numele ) și am instruit profesorii din toată țara cum să folosească, eficient, Teams-ul în procesul de predare online!

    Sunt un tip pasionat de tehnică și investesc mult în tot ce e nou și-mi place! Fac parte din acestă comunitate încă din anul 2009, având ( pentru puțin timp ) chiar rolul de moderator al Forumului BitDefender ( vechea denumire a comunității ). Pe atunci admin era Daniel M. Mi-am făcut mulți amici la BitDefender în atâția ani de activitate și țin legătura cu ei!

    Am rămas fidel comunității ca urmare a faptului că aici am găsit oameni minunați.

    Cred că ar trebui să mă opresc pentru că n-aș dori să plictisesc pe careva!

    Windows 11 Pro - 11th Gen Intel Core i9-11900KF @3,50 GHz, 128.0 GB RAM

  • Great to know all of you. My name is Jerry and I have just enrolled myself in a digital marketing course so as to have deep knowledge of digital marketing. I'm by profession a photographer who loves to catch a single moment in photos.

  • Hello @yesjerryer,

    I was always passionate about photography, but never got the chance to get my hands on a professional camera and actually learn how to use it. I do have an Instagram profile where I sometimes post pictures of spotted vintage cars made with my phone.

    My sister is a photographer, so at least someone in the family followed this beautiful and creative job.

    If you would like to share with us some of your work, please feel free to open a thread in the General Topics section.

    All the best.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Gjoksi
    Gjoksi Defender of the month mod
    edited April 2022

    Hello, Community!

    My name is Gjorgji.

    Born and live in Kavadarci, North Macedonia.

    43 years old and this is my third year working as an attorney at law in my town.

    Satisfied Bitdefender client since 2017 (at least it says so on Bitdefender Centar Android app).

    Best regards. 😊

  • Scott
    Scott ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2022


    I like your signature, it made me smile :)

    I'm still rockin a LGA 775 socket from my home-built PC. Granted, it's not XP, but Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit. I always got a kick out of the saying, "Windows 7 is Vista that works". :)

    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides:

  • Mike_BD
    Mike_BD BD Staff

    Hi, @Scott ,

    You have a more powerful CPU 😉, mine is just 6600. But in any case, I still remember, 10+ years ago, arguing with the lady "aargh, you'll want an upgrade again next year, you'll get bored with the case etc" . The upgrades were progressively done on video card (naturally), RAM and ofc , SSD. But other than that, system runs perfectly. W10 is a big headache, as my Auzentech Xplosion sound card is not supported anymore and , in any case, it's so much resource hog.

    Btw, the case is still turning heads and raising eyebrows in my living room, as people are usually in disbelief that that is actually the PC: Antec Fusion Remote Max 😊 Still able to fit any power source, any crazy video card, any silent cooling solution for the CPU. All this, looking gorgeous and discreet.

    Intel Core i7-7700 @ 3.60Ghz, 64GB DDR4 || Gigabyte nVIDIA GeForce® GTX 1070 G1 8GB || WD Blue NAND 500GB + 1TB

  • Scott
    Scott ✭✭✭✭✭

    But back then, some of those older cpu's could be overclocked to achieve some amazing numbers, and sustain it even on air, compared to water cooled. There was one in particular that the geeks really liked for OCing, I can't remember which one, but it was a beast. I'll post some pictures of my build on the Showroom thread. Granted, in my case it's not much, but as with yours, it's still doing a great job for me.

    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides:

  • Mike_BD
    Mike_BD BD Staff

    I know, but I wanted a different story: a silent PC, powerful and upgrade-able, and also completely hidden in plain sight (that's where the Antec Fusion came in place).

    I've completely disabled all coolers, even from the CPU, which has on its head a Scythe Ninja 2 (only the heatsink) , from all video cards I've replaced the active cooling with a passive solution. The only noise is coming from the Enermax Modu82+ PS and from the drives themselves.

    I'll try to make some pictures tonight :)

    Intel Core i7-7700 @ 3.60Ghz, 64GB DDR4 || Gigabyte nVIDIA GeForce® GTX 1070 G1 8GB || WD Blue NAND 500GB + 1TB

  • Scott
    Scott ✭✭✭✭✭

    With mine, I had fans galore, fluorescent wire wrap, four fan controller on the front (blue light knobs) etc. etc. I ended up in getting a smaller quieter case, taking off and out the glitz, and even soundproofing the inside, so I could have it next to me without it bothering me.

    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides:

  • Scott
    Scott ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2022

    So, a little about myself. I live in the north-central part of the US, Minnesota, which gets all the snow and ice. We have 2 seasons, winter and road construction :)

    I'm self-employed as a dental technician in which I fabricate restorations (teeth) that are permanently cemented, compared to a removable tech who works on partials, dentures, etc. Digital, CAD/CAM has really taken over the industry as far as what Dr's can do chairside, as well as with intraoral scanning. And labs, in my case, creating crowns and bridges via CAD and milling them in CAM (5 axis mills). I work anywhere from 40 hours a week up to 70, depending on the volume of work that comes in. So at times, being on a forum is a luxury of time for me.

    I started using Bitdefender when it was v10, right when Bitdefender became a separate company from SOFTWIN.

    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides:

  • @Scott winter and road construction 🤣🤣

    It's amazing how CAD has evolved over the years and it really expands possibilities for many industries. Check out this '82 video from a CAD Lab that gets me everytime:

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • This reminds me of my favorite device I purchased back in 2007. A brand new, HP Pavilion dv6000 with Windows Vista installed (later XP) and that beautiful glossy finish. It had an Intel Core Duo T2500 2 x 2 GHz processor at that time and weighted 3 kilos. It was thick as a brick. This laptop really stood the test of time and I've been using it from 2007 until late 2019 with no problems whatsoever.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Giryoku
    Giryoku ✭✭✭

    Let's introduce myself in short. I live in The Netherlands and I am, at the time of writing, still an IT-student. I am graduating next year, when everything is fine. My goal is to become a job in the IT-security sector. Let's hope for a great future.

    Besides that I am a loyal Bitdefender user since 2016. What else can I say about Bitdefender? ;) Let's have an inspiring community for an even better Bitdefender (future)!

  • Scott
    Scott ✭✭✭✭✭

    Wow, nice find, Mike :) And to think how far things have come. Then there's the example that we now have more computing processing power on our smartphones, than the Appolo missions had.

    I just bought my first smartwatch (Galaxy 4), as to not miss calls I was missing when I would forget my phone upstairs or downstairs. I'm amazed at all the options those devices have.

    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides:

  • Evening . i have a question. Since today i can't use HBO Max , had no problems before Bitdefender so i guess i need to do something to acces it again ?

    Hope somebody can help ? I use Bitdefender Complete , including VPN. It's the Dutch (Netherlands), HBO max.

    Sincerly H.

  • Gjoksi
    Gjoksi Defender of the month mod


    @Alexandru_BD could take a look here and answer your question.


  • Hi @Harald_S and welcome to the Community!

    So, you have recently purchased Bitdefender and you can no longer access HBO Max using a VPN connection? Are you using the VPN to access geo-restricted content? I'm asking because some websites have implemented a system to detect VPNs and do not load or display errors if the Internet connection is filtered through a VPN.

    To determine whether the problem lies within the VPN, temporarily disconnect from Bitdefender VPN and then try to visit again HBO Max. To disconnect Bitdefender VPN, simply press the power button on the VPN interface. If the site still doesn’t load after interrupting the VPN, the issue lies somewhere else. If the site loads properly in this situation, you know it’s the VPN that is causing the issue. 

    If you can’t view the website with the VPN on, connect to a few different VPN servers from the list of available locations. Start with the country you are currently in, then choose the nearest region.

    When using a VPN connection, you can also use split tunneling to route any website outside the VPN connection, to access the Internet directly. You could try this as well, if switching off VPN or changing the server doesn't help.

    To exclude a site from using the Bitdefender VPN connection on Windows:

    1. Open the Bitdefender VPN app on your computer.
    2. Access Settings (represented by a cogwheel ⚙︎) on the navigation menu of the VPN interface:

    3. Go to the General tab, then toggle Split tunneling to the ON position:

    4. In the Split tunneling panel, click on Manage:

    5. Next, click the Add button:

    6. Type the URL of the HBO Max website you can’t access, then press the + sign in order to add the website to the whitelist:

    Let us know how it goes.

    Enjoy your stay in the Community!

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Mike_BD
    Mike_BD BD Staff

    Hello @jgore61 and welcome to our Community!

    Seems your message was flagged as spam by the forum engine, kindly asking to repost if that happened.


    Intel Core i7-7700 @ 3.60Ghz, 64GB DDR4 || Gigabyte nVIDIA GeForce® GTX 1070 G1 8GB || WD Blue NAND 500GB + 1TB

  • Guilhermesene
    Guilhermesene Defender of the month ✭✭✭

    Hello to everyone in the community! 🙋🏻‍♂️

    My name is Guilherme and I'm from Brazil. I'm a Bitdefender user and I love the product.

    I'm a computer science student here in Brazil, and I have a long-standing knowledge (from Windows 95 onwards) in computers.

    I'm here to help all community members who need me 🙂