SafePay keeps popping up when browsing website in Opera today

edited May 2024 in Utilities

Today when browsing around products on Home Hardware's website (e.g. ) I found that the BD SafePay was opened three times, without me doing anything other than right-clicking to open various products in new tabs.

Not sure whether this is a fault of the website, or BD, or the Opera browser.

Windows 8.1 x64.

Opera 85.0.4341.75 (Yes, I know it's not completely up-to-date.)

Never noticed this before. That's not a website I often visit, and I had not been using Opera much for a while.




  • Scott
    Scott ✭✭✭✭✭


    I tried it on my Windows 11 notebook with Chrome and I did not have any Safepay pop-ups. Maybe if you were logged in and went to your shopping cart, it may ask, but it doesn't sound like you were.

    @Gjoksi runs 8.1, maybe he can check it out on his end :)

    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.

  • Gjoksi
    Gjoksi Defender of the month mod


    Tried it on my Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit and Mozilla Firefox 105.0.1 64-bit.

    I also didn't have any Safepay pop-ups and the Safepay didn't open.

    Do the following steps:

    -- STEP 1 --

    Repair Bitdefender, by following these steps:

    -- STEP 2 --

    If the instructions from Step 1 didn't help, uninstall the Bitdefender program using the Uninstall Tool:

    It will completely remove the program.

    Next, reinstall Bitdefender from your Bitdefender Central account and see if the issue has been solved, as reinstalling the program usually solves the issues.


  • Scott
    Scott ✭✭✭✭✭

    DIVERSE maybe try a different browser to see if somehow Opera is doing something to trigger, "alert" Safepay?

    Otherwise, you have Gjoksi's above helpful post.

    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.

    DIVERSE ✭✭✭
    edited September 2022

    It also happens with the related website .

    As above, I'm not clicking any "Purchase" buttons; nothing in my cart (not logged in, and don't think I even have an account); just browsing and right-clicking products to open in new tabs. (Oh... and also hovering over the star rating, clicking on "Read ... reviews", and then clicking on star ratings to see reviews. But I don't think that causes it.)

    For your information, the URL's opening up in Safepay seem to follow a pattern:

    The exact same behaviour occurs in Edge (version 105.0.1343.50 x64).

    BitDefender Internet Security version (When I first reported the issue there was a notification stating that the BIS product had been updated and a reboot was required — but I hadn't yet rebooted. The BIS version number shown is after rebooting — which is also when I tested Edge.)


    DIVERSE ✭✭✭
    edited September 2022

    Just thinking about this: for a never-before-visited website ( , let's say) even if BitDefender thought there was some payment/transaction about to be made, then (in general) I reckon BIS would check with a user "Do you want to open this in Safepay" (or words to that effect). And I reckon that would happen even if the website and/or the browser is buggy.

    So why didn't I get the dialogue box, but rather Safepay opened up immediately? (Sorry if I didn't make this clear earlier.) I can guess that it must be that PayPal ( is one of the handful of domains that I have specified should be opened up in Safepay.

    Presumably some of the content comprising the payment elements on those two (related) websites is hosted on the PayPal domain.

    So that could potentially explain why the other (very hilfsbereiten) correspondents were unable to reproduce the issue — i.e. if they hadn't made the same specification for the domain.


    DIVERSE ✭✭✭
    edited September 2022

    I just realised that I forgot to mention one other important detail: none of the above bullet-pointed links [that were opened automatically in Safepay from either the Mitre 10 or Home Hardware websites] show any visible content whatsoever.

    (Apparently I'm prevented from taking a screenshot of the Safepay window, though.)

  • Scott
    Scott ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2022

    That is correct, we cannot take screenshots in Safepay mode...originally misread your post.

    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.

  • Sorry, Scott. I meant that I cannot find a way to capture a screenshot of Safepay. Specifically: the keyboard buttons don't do it, and the IrfanView timer doesn't do it. (I just end up with a blacked-out rectangle.) Maybe it's some sort of Safepay security feature (if so, I can live with that). I hadn't explained it above in more detail, just because I assumed that you'd all be familiar with it.

    As you say, at my lofty level I am allowed to post images ...if I can obtain them ;-)

  • Scott
    Scott ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2022

    lol..yep, as you were typing, I caught my faux pas :) The inability to take screenshots is a security feature of Safepay. Nice try with the Infraview timer. In the past, I've tried Snagit, Print screen, to no avail.

    edit: since Safepay runs outside of the Windows environment, it will not allow any Windows apps or features to take a screenshot. We would pretty much just have to take a Smartphone picture.

    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.

  • FYI, here is the status before reinstalling:

    I'll have to do something, as today Safepay launched itself with a URL (still no content shown) without me freshly opening any obvious shopping site. I had just launched both Edge and SeaMonkey (each restoring tabs from last session). And then opened a handful of non-shopping sites in new tabs.

  • Scott
    Scott ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2022

    I believe Paypal would automatically open, or Safepay would ask if you wanted to open it, or always open for that website, as it is a transaction website.

    What you show in Windows Uninstall is the version that was installed at the time, to find the current version would do the BD system tray icon right-click the About option, as well as the Life preserver at the top of the Dashboard next to My Account.

    Chances are if you uninstall and reinstall you'll end up with the same build downloading, as those do not seem to keep exactly up to date on the server end, as the ones we receive on our devices through our, those updates. @Alexandru_BD or @Mike_BD , is that correct?

    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.

  • The problem is that I'm not opening up a website in the domain. My best guess (so far) is that some websites (or even emails???) that I opened contained elements hosted off the domain.

    Regarding the data shown in the Add or Remove Programs dialogue box, we'll soon see....

    (This is from Gjoksi's Step 1.)

    DIVERSE ✭✭✭
    edited September 2022

    OK, the reinstallation is complete. It uninstalled the existing files, rebooted, downloaded the current installation package, installed it, and went through some configuration actions, and after that I also forced an update of the databases. (From a quick look only, I couldn't see where to find the database status: neither a database number nor release date & time, nor the date & time on which the last database update was conducted.)

    Here is the new status in the Add or Remove Programs dialogue box:

    By the way, I hope I interpreted correctly which of these to reinstall: I chose Bitdefender Internet Security (only).

    Launching that one of the websites referred to before and viewing a product in a new tab now produces a dialogue box, rather than automatically launching Safepay. (Screenshot above.)


    P.S. I have just checked, and in the reinstallation process (Gjoksi's Step 1), the Bitdefender application settings do indeed seem to be retained, and — most particularly — if I manually launch Safepay, I notice that it has remembered a specific link on the PayPal domain as one of the handful of bookmarks that I had previously defined. But note well that if I click to edit that bookmark, the settings show that "Automatically open in Safepay" is not enabled.

    P.P.S. I'll keep an eye on it for a while. In the meantime thanks for all the suggestions, Scott & Gjoksi! :-)

  • Gjoksi
    Gjoksi Defender of the month mod


    Switch these settings off and i think you will no longer see any Safepay notifications in the lower right corner of your screen and Safepay will be no longer automatically opened while browsing.


    DIVERSE ✭✭✭
    edited September 2022

    BTW, confirmation (sort of) that the above site does use PayPal: just for fun I launched it in Lynx, as below.

  • Hi, Gjoski.

    I just noticed your latest tip that 'snuck in' between a couple of my posts.

    Here are my current settings (after the reinstallation)

    I don't particularly mind if Safepay is always opened automatically whenever I visit (say) PayPal's website, (or any subdomain thereof), if I've specified that on my list.

    I just don't want Safepay to be automatically launched just because a site/email (on a different, unrelated domain) contains content from PayPal.

    I'd never had a problem with this for the past six months or so (since I started using BIS), until the last few days. Fortunately, it seems that reinstalling may have resolved the problem.

  • This keeps happening to me to. Used bitdefender for over a decade but this was the last time I have renewed my subscription. It feels like bitdefender gets worse ever year. Removing features, putting features behind more paywalls, making the ui ever more confusing and user unfriendly and bugs like this. Bitdefender used to be amazing but it just sucks now.

  • @Kalenz ,

    Welcome to the Bitdefender Forums. In the VPN settings, you can specify which sites, if any, you would like SafePay to launch on, or you can turn it off entirely.

    Respectfully, I disagree with your comment that Bitdefender: just sucks now.

    If you have specific complaints, would you please share the details and allow us to respond?

    Thank you, and have a great day.


  • Flexx
    Flexx mod
    edited May 2024

    Kindly create a new post for yourself. You are replying to a post dating back to 2020.

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