Bitdefender Antispam Add-in in outlook deactivation/crash

Dear all,

i have added Bitdefender Antispam into my outlook account.

This Add-in will get always deactivated and i need to allow/activate always which is quite allowing.

What is the reason for this and how could i avoid that my Antispam addin deactivated?

thanks in advance


  • TaxiMagicien42
    TaxiMagicien42 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @Kemeny

    I had the same problem as you until yesterday.

    The update of Bitdefender to the latest version solved the problem for me.


    Windows 11 Famille 23H2

    AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 3.70 GHz

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Individual

  • Hello TaxiMagicien42,

    i am already on this latest version of, and still have the problem unfortunately.

    Thanks anyway. Regards,

  • TaxiMagicien42
    TaxiMagicien42 ✭✭✭✭✭


    Thank you for your feedback even though I am sorry that your problem persists.

    However, be aware that the problem is known by the Bitdefender teams (see @Alexandru_BD message below).


    Windows 11 Famille 23H2

    AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 3.70 GHz

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Individual

  • Thank you for your information too.

    I wish your problem is stay fixed, fingers crossed!

  • TaxiMagicien42
    TaxiMagicien42 ✭✭✭✭✭


    Thank you.


    Windows 11 Famille 23H2

    AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 3.70 GHz

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Individual

  • i installed Total Security July 2024 on a Windows Surface Pro 9 running the latest updates. The antispam crashes Outlook and it was disabled. What can iI do?

  • TaxiMagicien42
    TaxiMagicien42 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @LindaB

    To give you the most relevant answer possible, can I ask you for more details about the "Outlook" application?
    Is this the "new" Outlook (which replaces the "Mail" application and is web-based "webmail"?
    Is it the "Microsoft Outlook" application that is integrated with the Microsoft 365 Family suite"?

    I invite you to consult the Bitdefender support article below for more information:

    You can contact Bitdefender support from the page below:

    Once on this page, select the theme corresponding to your problem and the relevant feature. Follow the instructions on the screen and click "Contact Support". Choose the desired communication channel (Chat, phone or email).

    The chat is the fastest way to contact you compared to email. However, if you opt for the latter, you will have to fill out an online form. You will then receive an email from Bitdefender support, containing a ticket of incidents regarding your request.


    Windows 11 Famille 23H2

    AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 3.70 GHz

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Individual

  • to continue my question. I am using Microsoft 365 Outlook. The antispam toolbar is not displayed. And iI followed the directions in the article on how to display it but nothing changed.

  • TaxiMagicien42
    TaxiMagicien42 ✭✭✭✭✭


    Thank you for your feedback.
    I am sorry that the solution proposed has failed.

    What is your version of Bitdefender on your PC?

    According to Bitdefender support the latest version is (see article below)

    Anyway, I think you should contact Bitdefender support following the procedure that I have indicated in my previous message.


    Windows 11 Famille 23H2

    AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 3.70 GHz

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Individual

  • i am running Bitdefender How do iI contact their support? All I found was FAQs and user manual.

  • Scott
    Scott Defender of the month ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @LindaB

    Support can be reached here:

    Select, How Tos & Troubleshooting→Troubleshooting and go through the prompts until you get to the black Contact Support box. You will have the the options of Chat, Call or Email. Chat is the quickest way to get thing started, phone support is not toll-free.

    Kind regards.

    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.

  • TaxiMagicien42
    TaxiMagicien42 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Scott


    I have just deleted my message written a few minutes ago to avoid the duplicate reply


    Windows 11 Famille 23H2

    AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 3.70 GHz

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Individual