Bitdefender Stalled

I ran my Bitdefender on a full system scan. It got stuck on the Microsoft store app and stayed there for an hour or more. I shut it down, incomplete. This morning I downloaded the Bitdefender online scanner and it will not open! Any ideas?


  • Flexx
    Flexx mod
    edited December 2024

    Bitdefender Online Scanner was a product developed by Bitdefender years ago. It was a Chrome-based extension that allowed users to run a quick scan of their Windows device via the Chrome browser. It was later discontinued.

    Are you referring to the online installer for the Bitdefender product setup file that you downloaded?

    Kindly rephrase your query for further clarification.


    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • I had two problems. First, when I scanned a computer that had just been completely refreshed, Bitdefender staled on a file and sat on it for over an hour. However, this morning Windows downloaded a large 11 file. After that the Bitdefender did a complete scan and no problems. The other issue is that I had downloaded Bitdefender's online scanner, but it won't open. Is there a Bitdefender online scanner for members?