Protection - Malware/ Firmware/etc.

Protection - Malware/ Firmware/etc.

Startup scan - Always

Since few weeks ago I observe that BD performs startup scan, always, no matter what I do. Early boot is turned off, scan network shares is off too. Yet it decides to trash my mechanical drive array of 40TB, EVERY single boot. Takes half an hour or so, with extensive seeking. How do I turn it off? Why isn't there an easy option to do that?

From quick google search it seems that this issue comes up every now and than, one update fixes it, next one introduces it again. Please make it stop.


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  • Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • Principal Software Developer BD Staff

    I don't know this specific area, but I just dropped an email to the team. Let's see if there is a pending, known issue on this.

  • QA Manager BD Staff

    Have you checked if there are any scan tasks scheduled to run at startup? Also, did you review the notifications for the scan results? You should find more details about the task there.

  • Principal Software Developer BD Staff

    Also, can you detail a little (or perhaps a little more) about your particular setup? The "mechanical drive array" of 40TB jumps into our attention; maybe this is a particular piece of hardware that might be seen as an USB for some reason. Can you share - and please be as detailed as possible - about the device?
    Let's say open Device Management, locate the device (most likely it is in Storage category, but it might also be in the various USB categories as well), right-click the device and in Details (I know there are a lot of properties there…) and see what is is Capabilities, Device stack, Class Name and Hardware Ids?

    Appreciate your feedback.

  • Principal Software Developer BD Staff

    So it is a SCSI and not USB (or not directly the storage device, it might still have another associated device in an USB class). We will try to reproduce with the settings you presented and with a device as close as possible to the DELL H830.

    Thank you for feedback.
    (I will be OOO until January, but a colleague of mine will continue to try to reproduce the issue).

  • edited December 2024

    for some reason Windows sees it as SCSI class, but it is really SATA RAID controller. Windows is weird about RAID. The same startup scan happens on another machine that uses Adaptec SATA RAID, so it is somehow related.


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