Internet Goes Blank



  • Hello all,

    We managed to solve this issue, but at the moment there are some ongoing tests and the fix will not be released yet. Most certainly, next week the update with the fix will be available for download. We will add a post on this topic as soon as this will happen.

    Once again please accept our apologizes for any inconveniences this situation might have caused.

    Thank you.

    I am having this problem too. Is there a fix available yet or will it be later in the week? Is there a workaround in the mean time?

  • Alex Stanciu
    Alex Stanciu ✭✭
    edited December 2009

    Hello all,

    We wish to inform you that we have released an update with a fix for this sittuation. Please open BitDefender in Expert Mode, click on the Update module then hit the Update Now button. After the update is complete, reboot your computer and you should not encounter this issue anymore .

    In case the same situation will occur, please browse to the next location from your system:C:\Program Files\Common Files\BitDefender\BitDefender Firewall , right click on the "bdftdif.sys" file, choose Properties, then click on the Version tab. If the update was complete, it should be .

    Once again please accept our apologizes for any inconveniences this situation might have caused.

    Thank you.

  • boothy99
    edited December 2009
    please browse to the next location from your system:C:\Program Files\Common Files\BitDefender\BitDefender Firewall , right click on the "bdftdif.sys" file, choose Properties, then click on the Version tab. If the update was complete, it should be .

    First of all Alex, thanks for letting us know that the problem is hopefully sorted.

    I just checked the File Version of the bdftdif.sys, as indicated above (on my Vista 32 Bit laptop), but noticed the the version is, and not, as you indicated that it should be.

    Hopefully this is the correct file version? Could you kindly confirm please?




  • .............................

    I spoke too soon ..... Just had another update, and BD requested a re-boot. File version is now !!

    Presumably a roll-back to a more stable version?


  • Is this fix good for BD AV 2010 users too? Because I don't believe there is a BitDefender Firewall folder available for AV users.

  • Alex Stanciu

    Hello AndreiRC,

    This fix is also available for BitDefender Antivirus 2010 and the file can be found in the same location: C:\Program Files\Common Files\BitDefender\BitDefender Firewall . Besides its main function in the BitDefender Firewall, this file is also used by other BitDefender modules like, Antivirus, Parental Control or Privacy Control .

    Thank you.

  • Alex,

    Thanks for the response. I'll see about the fix when I get home, since I am not home right now.

  • Alex,

    I am running windows 7 64 bit edition and that files is not located in the bit defender firewall. Where else could it be?


  • Alex Stanciu

    Hello Bigchess,

    The "bdftdif.sys" file does not exist on Windows 7, the functionality of this driver being incorporated under another file. This issue should not occur for users that have Windows 7 and that is why, we ask them to post here their replies in case this happens.

    In your particular case, you have this issue after using some P2P applications. That is why I think we should try something different in your case. For start, please try the instructions from this post and let us know what happens.

    I have also sent you an email with these steps and we are waiting your reply.

    Thank you.

  • boothy99
    edited December 2009

    Looks like things are ok.

    Just been running 10 videos at the same time, ... for over 15 minutes, with NO blank page load-ups !!!

    My other issue of ''Bitdefender Services Are Not Responding'', also seems to be fixed. No greyed-out BD icon overnight. YEHHH, ... at last.

    Thanks for getting it sorted, ......... eventually, BD team.


  • Its pathetic

    This thread has been open for at least what 6 weeks?? and still no solution

    We all paid a license of at least 12 months and how much time are we actually going to receive with this product 9 months? 6 months?

    To the admins at bitdefender do you actually think this situation is fair on us the consumers?

    Do you actually not think oh well there seems to be some problems with our product better sort them out before we charge a price for it

    Or did you think ahh who cares its only the general public theyll forget all about this given time

    So eventually when this is sorted out maybe?. What are you going to do to keep us the customers happy? I will say if you dont provide some kind of customer satisfaction you are doubtlessly going to lose customers as this kind of service and to be frank feedback from your public relations section is deplorable

    We are intitled at the very least to be given regular updates from you at the very lest about what the ongoing situation is. Let me tell you every passing day is giving us the customer more and more reasoon to loose patience and forever but a black mark on the bitdefender name . So think about your actions seriously

    one very dissatisfied customer (who has already been waiting for a solution approx 8 weeks)

  • Alex Stanciu

    Hello espyorkshireman,

    This sittuation have been solved yesterday. Please update your BitDefender, reboot your computer and everything should be ok. Once again please accept our apologizes for any inconveniences this situation might have caused.

    Thank you.

  • Alex,

    It's not personally meant for you, but for the company BitDefender: Apologies will not be enough this time.

    We paid for a real product that was not usable for more than a month! We are no paying beta-testers!

    This needs to be compensated, or many customers will not renew their license when it's expired.

    Be also aware that a lot of technies are on this forum, who are always asked for advice by family and friends.

  • Started using BD Internet Security on my XP laptop when it was version v10, with a 24 months licence. Was happy with it, so 2 years later I got a IS 2009 24 months license(and was still happy with it, except the fact that it kept telling me Winamp was outdated even it wasn't), and upgraded to IS 2010 a few months ago when it got released.

    After I upgraded to 2010, I first lost many hours figuring out how I could update/remove my MSN messenger that was displayed as outdated, even I had never ran it. After spending 2 days on google and having manually removed MSN, I decided to disable the vulnerability check of Applications updates, to remove that warning sign from my BD icon (as everybody else I guess, I can't bear to have a big red warning sign on my AV software).

    Some weeks later, I realized the MSN was not in my list of outdated applications anymore, so I reactivated the vulnerability check. Few days later, it then told me Skype was outdated, displaying a version number that was different from the one I had installed (that do was the latest).

    But eventually that got fixed after a few more weeks, and I started to believe that I could finally start doing something else than spending all my free time googling the text "BD issue" to find solutions.

    But then I started having the well know "internet goes blank" thing. Luckily, didn't took me long to find that page on the BD forum though.

    My only solution was to put up with it, reboot my PC every 2hours, and check that forum every 24h.

    Can't believe I am actually paying for letting you guys troubleshoot your software on my PC.

    Just wanted to let you know, guys from BitDefender, that you lost a customer. And I guess I am not the only one who won't renew.

    Unlucky me, my license is still good for 600 more days. I will keep using it until it's finished (or until I get a new PC or restage my current one), but if I encounter any other issue like all the ones I already had, I won't hesitate and get another software.

  • Didnt read through whole thread...but i found that turning off the antiphishing solved this problem for me. Am i reading correctly though, that an update was put out a day or so ago (Dec 8, 09) that fixed the issue? Can I turn the antiphishing back on without any issues?

  • I was told this issue was fixed by the guy looking after my open ticket.

    Updated and rebooted - absolutely no difference whatsoever! Still can't down load and still getting blank or semi loaded pages.

    When I looked at version number it was still showing which is what I though it was before. Didn't know about checking the bdsys.dll file version and don't intent to reload just to find out. Can anyone tell me what the new "fixed" version should be in case I picked up the wrong version somehow.

    Have now downgraded to 2009 version as I was starting to get the same issues running Am now on an eval version so I hope they have this fixed inside the 30 days I have left. I have reloaded BD so often now I have memorised my 20 digit registration code!!

  • johcla is on the right track.

    "This needs to be compensated, or many customers will not renew their license when it's expired."

    I just did my windows 7 upgrade (clean install option). Another, non-beta antivirus is now running. It cost a little more, but has yet to give any problem. I feel cheated, I have over 300 days left, but was totally fed up with being an early beta tester for Bitdefender. Glad I didn't mess up my other two machines with it (have a 3 machine license).

  • I think a class action law suit should be started. If we all took the number of hours each one of us spent trying to figure out what the problem is for something we paid for, charged them back for our time... chances are we'd bankrupt Bitdefender. Seems it's always a standard answer for different problems a lot of the time. I think this is almost out and out fraud and this forum is proof. They sold us something that they know doesn't work and has so many bugs in it, thousands of hours have been wasted by the consumer. Yesterday before un-installing it permanently, I tried to upgrade and here's a new one. It ended up throwing thousands of icons on my desktop with .cvd .xmd and .ivd extensions just to name a few. All had to manually be deleted which took more hours. Bitdefender and Microsoft are probably in cahoots together. It's a toss up which one is worse. With this I am leaving the forums.... I don't want to see or hear of Bitdefender again.... Good Luck to you all.... but go get another software that actually works.

  • ya im going to say that the update didnt fix anything, i have had blank pages twice today already and had to restart twice

  • Yup I just had a blank page, reset solved the issue. Seems like this problem isn't fixed yet =(

  • Been having this problem just like everyone else, been watching on this forum to see when a fix would be implemented and was happy to see there was supposed to be one in the update, unfortunatly it has fixed absolutly nothing. Running Windows 7 64 here and i'm totally sick of bitdefender now gunna call customer support in the morning to find out about getting some sort of refund.

  • randy1617
    edited December 2009

    my subscription is up in 58 days i have already started looking for another internet security software. Looks like im taking my business away from bitdefender . I would have stayed with bitdefender but this fix is taking to long.

  • randy and sylian: what OS are you on? I'm on XP Pro and the fix seems to have worked for me.

  • I don't have internet going blank after the fix anymore, so it worked. However, I think my download speed has decreased (I usually reach 1 mbps). When I get a download queue, the first file seems to download at maximum speed or near but all the next files aren't downloading fast enough, a bit slowly, actually. In addition, I think that webpages are loading a bit slowly, too, but it doesn't worry me as the other thing. Anybody agrees?

  • Alex Stanciu

    Hello randy1617, sylian and Hiroaki06,

    randy1617 and sylian : If possible, please browse to the next location from your system:C:\Program Files\Common Files\BitDefender\BitDefender Firewall , right click on the "bdftdif.sys" file, choose Properties, then click on the Version tab, it should be . Let us know what is the version that you have installed. Also please follow the steps bellow .

    Hiroaki06: This sittuation should not reproduce on Windows 7. Next time you encounter the same issue, please follow the steps bellow :

    1. Open My Computer.

    2. Browse to

    C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2010

    - considering that BitDefender was installed on the default C partition

    3. Doubleclick on the supporttool.exe file .(in case you have Windows Vista or Windows 7, right click on the the supporttool.exe file and choose "Run as administrator" )

    4. Click on Next, wait a few minutes for the progress bar to complete and then click on Finish .

    5. Go to the desktop, upload the report on then send me a PM with the download link or reply to our email with the report attached .

    Thank you.

  • randy and sylian: what OS are you on? I'm on XP Pro and the fix seems to have worked for me.

    i'm on windows7 64bit why they couldnt fix both at the same time i dont know they have known about windows 7 problem since this trend was started so i really dont want to wait three weeks for a fix. <_<

  • Alex Stanciu

    Hello randy1617,

    Please follow the steps described above and reply to our email with the resulting report attached.

    Thank you.

  • I don't have internet going blank after the fix anymore, so it worked. However, I think my download speed has decreased (I usually reach 1 mbps). When I get a download queue, the first file seems to download at maximum speed or near but all the next files aren't downloading fast enough, a bit slowly, actually. In addition, I think that webpages are loading a bit slowly, too, but it doesn't worry me as the other thing. Anybody agrees?

    I've tried some things and now I'm 100% sure that something is happening with BD (Total Security 2010).

    As I said before, the first file in the queue downloads at 1mpbs, the rest of them over 450kbps, a remarkable difference. It HAPPENS even though I have all the options TURNED OFF (real time, antispam, privacity, firewall), so it seems more like a deep situation.

    Well, in order to make sure that the problem is with BD, I've got a partition with a clean OS installation (Win XP although I thinks it's irrelevant because I have Vista and BEFORE BD there were NO problem at all). So what happened next? Ta-da! All the files in the queue downloaded at least 1mbps, the maximum speed.

    I mean, BD is cutting down my downloads and I have no idea how or why (remind all options turned off)

  • With the 2010 Av release, it looks like BD has taken the Microsoft style of programming. Release it now, and fix it with patches later. Out of curiosity, how many security patches does Windows7 have as of now?

    Glad I use a Linux distro and a Mac at home.

  • Just as a matter of interest how many of you guys with problems are using a Dell computer.

    I have a Dell desktop running XP Pro and a Dell Inspiron running Vista Home Premium. Both have had severe web page loading problems.

    I also have an Acer (rebadged) laptop running Vista - no problem, never has had despite running seemingly problematic versions of BD IS2010.

    Would be interested to know.


  • I've tried some things and now I'm 100% sure that something is happening with BD (Total Security 2010).

    As I said before, the first file in the queue downloads at 1mpbs, the rest of them over 450kbps, a remarkable difference. It HAPPENS even though I have all the options TURNED OFF (real time, antispam, privacity, firewall), so it seems more like a deep situation.

    Well, in order to make sure that the problem is with BD, I've got a partition with a clean OS installation (Win XP although I thinks it's irrelevant because I have Vista and BEFORE BD there were NO problem at all). So what happened next? Ta-da! All the files in the queue downloaded at least 1mbps, the maximum speed.

    I mean, BD is cutting down my downloads and I have no idea how or why (remind all options turned off)

    Plus, after downloading a file (maximum speed) and another file (very much lower speed), internet load pages very very slow like when you're running emule or so on although you aren't doing nothing. Turning all BD options off doesn't work at all.

  • Alex Stanciu

    Hello rayloriga,

    Please tell us what programs are you using for download . Also, we may think that another BitDefender file is causing this issue and that is why we would like you to follow the steps that we have sent you through the email .

    We are looking forward to your reply .

    Thank you.

  • I'll check it out, thank you

  • Well, before doing nothing, I've downloaded some files from microsoft website and all of them have downloaded very fast, so it seems that BD isn't causing any problems. For downloading I use DownThemAll (firefox).

    To be honest, my problems were when I was downloading from megaupload premium BUT before installing BD I had no problems at all so I thought BD was causing them.

    Anyway, I'll follow the instructions you've sent me, just in case, and I'll see if they have any effects about megaupload.

    Thank you very much again

  • Renaming httproxy.dll to httproxy.d_ hasn't fixed the megaupload issue. However, the problem seems to be happening only about it so I think that I just can not put the blame on BD, after all.

    I apologise for the inconvenience

    Thank you very much again

  • Wow, now I must point out this thing. I've downloaded the same megaupload files than before just one minute later, under my clean XP installation without BD and they have downloaded like a charm. I'm really astounded. It seems like BD is affecting my megaupload downloads, somehow. But I don't understand why the microsoft ones didn't

  • On popular advice I decided to try out bitDefender2010. i installed a trial version from the bit defender website and within a day and I had my internet all screwed up.

    i have been encountering this problem of pages not loading and blank screens since the day i installed BitDefender. As a result i uninstalled it within 2 days but the problem just refused to go. all my problem seems to be limited to the HTTP , with https sites, torrent causing no problem. i hv read that bit defender server scans all our http traffic and somehow i feel that it is still doing so even after unistallation because my net was screwed since the very moment i installed BD.

    Any help i may expect from the BD team ?? :wacko:

  • rlauriston
    edited January 2010

    I fixed (or worked around) the blank browser problem by disabling the BitDefender Antiphishing toolbar.

    I did that a month ago and the problem has not recurred.

  • boothy99
    edited January 2010
    I fixed (or worked around) the blank browser problem by disabling the BitDefender Antiphishing toolbar.

    I did that a month ago and the problem has not recurred.

    Mine was never on, ..... disabled in Firefox, but still I had the problem until the recent update. Seems fine since though.

  • Hello espyorkshireman,

    This sittuation have been solved yesterday. Please update your BitDefender, reboot your computer and everything should be ok. Once again please accept our apologizes for any inconveniences this situation might have caused.

    Thank you.

    I have he correct version of the file, but am still having the problem with XP. No solution here.

  • I have the same issue running under Windows Vista and version 2010 Build The bitdefender toolbar is installed in my browsers but I do not have it turned on. Everything works fine for a while and then I start getting blank pages in both IE and Firefox. A reboot is the only way to clear it.

  • Hello Simon Mason and dwsmithjr,

    dwsmithjr: We will need to further investigate this situation and this is why we have sent you an email with the steps you need to follow in order to provide us with the needed information. Please reply when you have time.

    Simon Mason: This issue was solved on the Build and this is why we would recommend you to run an update. Please open BitDefender in Expert Mode, go to the Update module and click on Update now. If your product is updated to the latest build you should receive a message to reboot the system for the update to take effect. If the update is not working please let us know so that we can further investigate this situation.

    We are looking forward to your reply.

    Thank you.

  • Has there been a resolution yet to the this problem with the computers that are running Windows 7?

  • Unknown

    Hello badrequiem,

    This issue was solved on the Build 13.0.18, in January. IF you are still experiencing this situation please provide us with the following details:

    - what BitDefender product and version you are using. In order to find out this information please right click on the BitDefender icon from the system tray -> choose About and look at the Product Information.

    - please also tell us if this issue occurs on any internet browser or just on a certain one.

    Thank you.

  • Hello badrequiem,

    This issue was solved on the Build 13.0.18, in January. IF you are still experiencing this situation please provide us with the following details:

    - what BitDefender product and version you are using. In order to find out this information please right click on the BitDefender icon from the system tray -> choose About and look at the Product Information.

    - please also tell us if this issue occurs on any internet browser or just on a certain one.

    Thank you.

    Thank you for the quick reply Carmen.

    I am currently running BitDefender Total Security 2010 - Build:

    This problem occurs across all my browsers.

    The symptoms listed in this topic match it perfectly. It seems to be related to the amount of data I download (usually reached via streaming media). Nothing short of restarting my computer resolves the issue.

    Thanks again for the help,


  • Unknown

    Hello Badrequiem,

    Please let us know if the issue still occurs. Thank you!


  • Yes still occurs.

    Hello Badrequiem,

    Please let us know if the issue still occurs. Thank you!


  • Unknown

    Hello Dadrequiem,

    An email was sent to you to the address associated with your forum account with instructions on how to continue troubleshoot the issue you encounter. Please send me the requested log files as a reply to my message. Your ticket ID is: 201005201009949


  • skolvan

    I also get this problem after a while espicially when someone is downloading files from the FTP filezilla server running on my desktop. In this case, it seems that the amount of uploading data is related to the occurence of the blank page problem in Firefox.

    I also get it when my PC has been running for more than 24h without any re-start.


  • Unknown

    Hello Skolvan,

    We are very sorry for the issue you are dealing with. Our Testing team is investigating it right now. We assure you that this will be solved in the shortest time possible.

    Meanwhile you could stop the BitDefender process that is causing this at startup but this will also stop the following activities: scan outgoing and incoming emails, scan Yahoo Messenger and Windows Live Messenger traffic, Scan http traffic and the Privacy control module.

    In order to stop the 'bdftdif' process please follow the steps bellow:

    1. Reboot your computer in Safe mode.

    [How to restart in Safe Mode]

    - Restart the computer (Windows Start button - Turn Off - Restart);

    - Press the 'F8' key several times before Microsoft Windows begins to load;

    you need to press 'F8' until you will be displayed a text menu;

    - Select 'Safe Mode' in the text menu and press 'Enter'.

    - Wait while Windows loads in Safe Mode; this process ends with a confirmation

    message; click 'OK' to acknowledge.

    2. Click on Start from Windows and choose Run. Here type regedit then click on.

    3. Go to the next location:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ and click on the "bdftdif" registry entry .

    3. Now, double click on the Start registry entry and change it's value to 4 then click on Ok.

    4. Restart the computer in Normal mode and check if the issue persists.
