Vsserv.exe High Cpu Usage

I use bitdefender on my XP and it has worked great for the first month, but now I have a problem with the vsserv.exe process- it's using over than 50% from my cpu.

What can I do? It doesnwt stop, and my computer works slowly.

Please help me!



  • Hello aviad ,

    Please check your inbox , follow the steps that you will find in our email and reply back with the generated reports attached . Also , are there any actions that you perform at the moment when you have this slowdowns ?

    Thank you .

  • Thank you, but the problem disappeared, and now my computer is working fine.

    Therefore I will wait for the next time that the problem will occur.

    And thank you again for your fast help!

  • Hi

    I think that VSSERVE.EXE is hogging my cpu several times a day and in that time making my pc ver slow and at times completely preventing me from doing anything else. This runs on for about a minute or two each time and I find it very frustrating. When I check on Task Manager, I see that vsserve.exe is running at that time.

    The task manager reports cpu usage varying for vsserve.exe while it is running, but even it it says 5%, my hdd light it on solidly and the hdd is running non-stop and I cannot do anything while this is happening - I suspect it is vsserve.exe causing this problem and need help in order to determing it it is indeed vsserve.exe doing this, or something else that I am not aware of. I have Windows XP Service Pack 3 on my pc.

    Please help me to resolve this problem.



  • Hello rjmm1962 ,

    In order to further troubleshoot this issue , a support ticket : 200908171007385 was opened for you . Please follow the steps sent in the email and reply back with the reports that we need .

    Thank you .

  • My BitDefender runs a scan every night. First thing in the morning, I see the scan report, usually clean. When I click on CLOSE, my computer becomes almost paralyzed because vsserv.exe is consuming vast amounts of CPU time (according to Task Manager). This condition persists for 5-10 minutes then vsserv.exe backs off to an idle state where it briefly consumes about 10% of my CPU time every 20-30 seconds, letting the computer work "normally".

    During the 5-10 minute paralysis, applications take minutes to open when normally they take 1-3 seconds.

    I'm running XP service pack 3.

    Thanks for any advice.


  • I am experiencing the same problem as Scott. vsserv.exe is running now and then and stalling my computer. It is quite annoying not to say more.

  • I am experiencing the same problem as Scott. vsserv.exe is running now and then and stalling my computer. It is quite annoying not to say more.

    I am having the same problem. vsserv.exe is always running and completely killing my system. I am also on WinXP Pro with SP3.

    I really need to get this sorted as I can't use my PC for more then a couple of minutes at a time.

  • I am experiencing the same problem as Scott. vsserv.exe is running now and then and stalling my computer. It is quite annoying not to say more.


    Have you received any assistance from bitdefender support? I have been experiencing the same problem. It was not as often until this past week. Seems multiple things trigger the surge in cpu such as hang ups on internet explorer and even the bitdefender updates. Can't quite pin the issue to one thing. One thing for sure the only way to bring the cpu usage down so far for me has been a reboot. I opened ticket with bitdefender and they were no help. I have the internet software 2009 and they told me to buy 2010 to resolve. Very lame answer.

  • I am having the same problem as the previous posters. I am running Bit Defender 2009 in Windows XP with Service Pack 3 on my laptop and the vsserve.exe process consumes 25-50% of CPU usage almost constantly. I cannot use the internet at all and other applications run very slowly (I have posted this from another computer). Please let me know what I should do.

  • I have the same CPU hogging problem with BD AV 2010. What is the fix for this? Usually happens when I start browsing the Internet after being away from my PC for awhile.

  • Just wanted to add I am having the same problem with vsserv.exe on Windows 7. It's eating 25% CPU as we speak. No matter what setting I change, even putting on Game Mode, doesn't affect it. I am starting to think Game Mode is a crock personally.

  • Hello aviad ,

    Please check your inbox , follow the steps that you will find in our email and reply back with the generated reports attached . Also , are there any actions that you perform at the moment when you have this slowdowns ?

    Thank you .

    I am having the same problem. Please send me the information for fixing it.

  • cberneanu
    edited October 2009


    Please try the following and tell us if it makes a difference:

    Disable Automatic Updates, Reboot into safe mode, rename the file httproxy.dll from BitDefender's install folder (usually c:\program files\bitdefender\bitdefender 2009) and reboot again.

    If the problem still occurs, rename the file back.

  • Hi,

    Please try the following and tell us if it makes a difference:

    Disable Automatic Updates, Reboot into safe mode, rename the file httproxy.dll from BitDefender's install folder (usually c:\program files\bitdefender\bitdefender 2009) and reboot again.

    If the problem still occurs, rename the file back.

    Thanks for the information. I renamed the file to httpproxy1.dll and after reboot turned on the Automatic Updates. Things seem to be working fine now.

  • <_<

    I am experiencing the same problem as Scott. vsserv.exe is running now and then and stalling my computer. It is quite annoying not to say more.
  • Hello,

    I am facing the same problem with vsserv process,it slows down my computer. This mainly happens when i open the internet explorer .. or try to use the internet in any way. Rest of the time its just fine, it takes place only rarely.

    Please help me solve this problem soon.

    Thank You.


  • Hey,

    Please send me the steps to solve this problem. I have not used my internet since so long. Please do something.


  • Hi everybody,

    I'm having the same problem as all of you (Vsserv.exe using CPU a lot and all the time, many programs very slow or not responding anymore,...). Did any of you got a solution ? What was it ?



  • Add me to the list of those experiencing high CPU usage from vsserv.exe. Any help would be appreciated.

  • I have had it too or more then one occasion .


  • Add me to the list of those experiencing high CPU usage from vsserv.exe. Any help would be appreciated.

    I would like to know if anyone at BitDefender even cares about this problem. I received a ticket number and some instructions to follow. I did that. Have heard nothing back......


  • Hello Rocksalt,

    From what I saw my colleague answered you in a timely fashion (a 24 hours interval) . Please follow the steps from its email and reply back with the results of the actions that you performed.

    We are looking forward to your reply.

    Thank you.

  • Hi,

    Please try the following and tell us if it makes a difference:

    Disable Automatic Updates, Reboot into safe mode, rename the file httproxy.dll from BitDefender's install folder (usually c:\program files\bitdefender\bitdefender 2009) and reboot again.

    If the problem still occurs, rename the file back.

    I am trying the fix now thanks.

    Does this mean I have to leave the Automatic Updates disabled? Kind of a key feature.


  • I am trying the fix now thanks.

    Does this mean I have to leave the Automatic Updates disabled? Kind of a key feature.


    I need to uninstall BD2010 for the time being while you fix these issues - my availability requirements will not allow me to participate in debugging.

    Can I use my KEY to install 2009 temporarily?

    Give me an alternative I can work with to avoid requesting a refund. I was happy with 2009.

    Thanks for your assistance

  • Hello Elderik,

    Your license key is valid for BitDefender Antivirus 2010 so you cannot use it to register the 2009 version. We have sent you a new key through the email along with the installation steps of BitDefender Antivirus 2009. Let us know if we can help you with anything else.

    Thank you.

  • Hey guys,

    I have also been having this problem for a while. Would one of you shoot me the instructions for the fix please?


  • I too have had trouble with vsserv.exe & svchost.exe consuming huge amounts of memory. The problem seems to come and go. My work around has been to END PROCESS as often as possible from the Windows Task Manager. Sometimes it deletes and stops. Sometimes not. BitDefender please fix.



  • krishchandran
    edited December 2009

    Same problem here - VSSERV seems to hog the CPU and everything freezes on my Win XP-SP2 Computer. The problem seems to come and go. Especially if I am away from the comp for a while, it takes a long time to come out of the comatose state, that I find it in.

    The irony is - that I was using ******** 2009 before this and changed only after reading positive reviews of how BD took so little CPU usage. Now I seem to be back where I was

  • Hello superbiff, wade and KRC,

    Please try to upgrade to BitDefender 2010 and let us know if the same issue occurs. You can find all the steps that will help you do this here .

    Thank you.

  • hello! vsserv.exe takes alot of cpu usage on my pc (40-60)! need help, fix this problem please :)

  • I renamed the dll and for now all seems well.

    Am i still fully protected?

  • Same issue as many users here, and from what I have read this issue is not new to BD2010.

    Please post the work around to this thread as well as emailing to my address.

    Many thanks,


  • Hi,

    Please try the following and tell us if it makes a difference:

    Disable Automatic Updates, Reboot into safe mode, rename the file httproxy.dll from BitDefender's install folder (usually c:\program files\bitdefender\bitdefender 2009) and reboot again.

    If the problem still occurs, rename the file back.

    Is this the fix?

    Does this mean I have to leave the Automatic Updates disabled? Kind of a key feature.

    Is there an answer to this question?

  • Hello!

    Im having the same problem, vsserv.exe is using high cpu and are slowing down my computer.

    Could I have that information too about how to fix it.

    Thanks :)


  • After installing upgrade to BDTot 2010 vsserv is hogging a lot of CPU and really slowing down processing. Have used BDTOT 2008 since '08 with great results.

    Have installed on 2 computers and both are affected both use OS XP pro SP 2.

  • I too am experiencing the same problems.I have tried the renaming of the httproxy.dll file and it had no effect.Please address this for myself and all of the others who are dealing with this.If this cannot be accomplished quickly please refund my money to me

    Doug Zakro

  • I'm adding myself to the growing list of BitDefender users experiencing problems with vsserv.exe slowing down my laptop to a virtual crawl.

    Everytime I boot up and when Windows has finished coming and displays my desktop, I cannot do anything because vsserv.exe is taking up high CPU resources and my HDD actvity is going crazy.

    I upgraded to BitDefender 2010... I've tried the "work around" renaming httproxy.dll with no effect.

    I switched away from Norton Antivirus for this exact reasson, it was hogging up resources and slowing down my PC to unaceptale levels.

    If BitDefender can't get their act together and resolve what is an obvious design flaw.

  • Hello aviad ,

    Please check your inbox , follow the steps that you will find in our email and reply back with the generated reports attached . Also , are there any actions that you perform at the moment when you have this slowdowns ?

    Thank you .

    Alex: Please send me these same steps, I am having the same problem with vsserv.exe taking up my CPU, especially at startup. Thank you.

  • I too am having this problem but more so on a machine with XP Media than one with XP Pro. I have a 3 license copy of BD 2010. Please send fix info for the "vsserv.exe".


  • pUma
    edited December 2009

    I also have the problem (XP, IS 2008)

    I could use the fix, could you please send it to me?


  • Hi there,

    I'm using BDAV-2009 and it worked for about 4 months without any problems but now my system suddenly slowed down and task manager shows vsserv.exe to be the cause.

    My system is 160Gb/1.5GB, win XP SP2, Intel celeron procesor.

    Please advice.

    Thanx in advance

  • I'm having the same problem - from time to time vsserv.exe generate very high I/O that thrash my harddisk and stalling the computer. I am running BD Total Security 2009 on XP SP3. My computer is used mostly as a host for VMWare and the problem usually occurs when I am running / closing my VMWare Workstation.

    As for the suggestion to upgrade, from other posts in this forum, it seems that BD 2010 is still having the same problem . Also, according to the upgrade instruction, I need to first uninstall BD2009 - does it means that I need to re-do all the configuration from stratch? Is there anyway to import my old backup job settings to BD 2010?

  • I am also having trouble with vvserve.exe slowing my PC, especially when coming out of standby. The PC is hogged by vvserve.exe and memory useage in Task Manager starts at about (e.g) 22K and climbs to 167K and takes 7-8 minutes to do whatever it is doing. Peak memory (the highest) is shown at 204K. This means it is not possible to do much whilst vvserve.exe is operational.

    Could somebody please explain what this does and why it uses so much resources. I have read about renaming a file in BD - does this fix and how/why?

    I'm running BDIS2009 on an XP machine, it does not seem so bad on my Vista laptop?


  • Hello,

    about 4 months ago i installed BitDefender Internet Security 2009.

    Lately the pc is very slow, and i noticed that vsserv.exe (part of BitDefender software) is very often

    using up to 99% CPU, whats causing a very slow pc.

    What can be done to solve this problem? Can someone help me pls?

    Also i noticed that jqs.exe is using much CPU, but that is part of Java software.

  • I'm having this "CPU - 100%" problem as well, BD please help. i'm running on Vista 32bit.

    Its the exact same problem as every one else..

    pleaseeeeee... its killing me. -_-<img class=" />


  • h1tmelodic
    edited January 2010

    Hello, i have read all your problems and i have them too. I got Windows7 and when i turn on my computer i see that my BitDefender is turned off. I click on it to see the problem and it say's it is turned off because vsserv.exe is unavailable. And my computer gets lags and constant crashes. I can't watch a movie or listen to music. Can you please help me anyhow? I hope it's not the virus of some kind. It says my computer hasn't been scanned ever. And when i try to do it i can't it just says operaton failed. Begging for help.

  • I am experiencing the same issues with vsserv.exe. it is constanly hogging CPU ussage most time it can be at 95% for 2 -3 minutes.

    Any answers would be helpful.



  • I am experiencing the same issues with vsserv.exe. it is constantly hogging CPU ussage most time it can be at 95% for 2 -3 minutes.

    I am running BD2010, I have tried the renaming httproxy.dll, and that did not work. Any suggestions would be helpful.

    Any answers would be helpful.



  • Will any1 response?

  • I hope so :)

This discussion has been closed.