Bad Update Or....? - Solution Here: Http://



  • Just signed up because I'm still having the problem. I ran a scan when I booted this morning and it showed I didn't have a single virus. Then I see that I'm still in game mode from last night so I update and re-scan. I got a report that about 52,000 files are infected with Trojan.fakealert.5 (yes, I'm on Win7x64) BD claimed to disinfect about 20,000 files(so I have no idea what it did to them) and it tried to quarantine the rest.(luckily I told it to ignore)

    Now almost none of my programs launch and I keep getting warnings about this Trojan. I'm a new customer to BitDefender(only had it for about a month now) and I've had nothing but problems with its real time protection. Now this little screw up is inexcusable. Its starting to look like I might have to repair or even reinstall windows so I sure as ###### won't be using BitDefender anymore. Just thought I would let you guys know.

    P.S. I make my living off my computer so this really is a huge problem and I have yet to see BD representative so much as apologize yet. Get your act together.

  • I just need some advice if anyone can spare a moment.


    This screenshot shows my scan results. As you can see, most files were ignored and I chose to ignore the rest cause I checked the forum in time... lucky. All of those files are still displayed in quarantine with the same file path not found thing if I press restore. So, none of those files were touched? Is that right?

    The other thing is, I had real time protection on for a bit after and it caught every exe file I tried to use and blocked them. Does that actually try to delete the files?? Did I lose the programs I tried to run. This is pretty confusing. I've updated my BD to the latest patch but I'm not sure how to proceed from here. Should I do a system restore to 2 days ago? Will that solve any potential lost program exes?

    Any advice would be appreciated. I know it's a busy time.

  • how are ppl having multiple virus signatures and engine versions?

    If you are using BitDefender Total Security 2010 everyone using that program regardless of x64 x86 should have the same data.

    Again my info is as follows for those using BitDefender Total Security 2010:

    Virus Signatures: 5494846

    Engine Version: 7.30855

    And I just did another update and it stated there is a 970Kb file for downlod, doesn't download it and still reports to me that it is updated.

    I am really starting to not like BitDefender.

    The problem is....I cannot make the upload. My ohter laptop has the update module disabled or not available.

    I keep running the update now on this one, and when it finishes checking, it reads: "No updates available".

    My virus signatures count is: 5474032

    My engine version is: 7.30848

    I see here that you have a newer engine version and more virus can I do?

    I also have Total Security 2010.

    Please help! Thanks!

  • Helix118
    edited March 2010


    I've had to register an account just to post this, simply because this seems to be the only way to voice this issue.

    BitDefender, for seemingly no good reason, decided to inform me that almost every file on my machine had been infected with a Virus. I'm running Windows 7 (x64 build). I thought this odd, because I'm quite technical - and avoid the most likely causes of infection.

    Still, undeterred I booted up trusty-old BitDefender to perform a more thorough scan. 17,893 infections were found before I decided I'd seen enough. Had I been seriously compromised? Was the virus propogating self-sufficiently?

    I began to question the integrity of the scan, and decided to restart the program. The program didn't boot up. Then, I couldn't boot up any other programs. I became a little worried, and guessed that the scan had somehow gone wrong; and subsequently decided a reboot was in order.

    From then on my computer was about as useful as a chocolate teapot; albeit a rather large and heavy one. Windows wouldn't start (missing several key device libraries, etc.), and Safe Mode wouldn't boot up either.

    So here I am again, after having spent the last few hours re-installing Windows, and all of my productivity programs and applications. 3 hours of my life I'll never get back.

    I'm afraid that this is an extremely poor show. Many people put their trust in AV programs to look after their computers. The lack of good quality control testing on your update has clearly shown through in this instance - and has resulted in making my computer (and from the look of things, numerous others) completely defunct.

    I'm sad to say that this is where my feet will do the talking. My renewal was due in 23 days, but I'm afraid the trust I've imparted in your services has been completely destroyed. How do I know this won't happen again? How can I trust the integrity of your software?

    I'm afraid it's just one of those mistakes which will likely be reflected in a lack of upcoming renewals.

    Everyone makes mistakes - but this is a very costly one.

    I would hope for other users' sakes that you don't make this error again in future.


  • moguai

    curtringrose: try booting from another device (perhaps using a dvd/cd bases os) and check the windows the quarantine location of bitdefender.this booting issues is caused by the fact that the av scanner quarantined essential windows files.

  • rca626

    I'm running Win 7 x64 w/ BD 2010 and my computer seemed to be totally hosed, but I rebooted and went through the repair process and am finally back on my feet. It took 3 or 4 reboots for the repair process to finally take, but it did finally let me boot into Windows again. It seemed to restore a previous restore point (although it didn't ask me to during the repair process). Once inside Windows, I disabled real-time AV and downloaded the latest update and am running a scan now. So far everything seems to be OK. I tried clicking the update button a couple of more times, just to make sure I have the latest one, and BD says there are no new updates. Here are the update versions I have:

    Virus signatures: 5474032

    Engine Version: 7.30848

    So far the scan said it skipped 2565 items, which I'm assuming are quarantined files (?). I tell you, I was seriously panicked there for awhile, not knowing what was going on. I first found a Yahoo forum that spoke about this, which led me here. I'm really glad they got things fixed, but boy, what a blunder! I can't believe they let a problem like this get by. It seemed to only affect my computer, as my wife's XP computer didn't exhibit any problems at all. In any event, I seriously doubt that I'll be renewing my license in the fall. I understand people make mistakes, but there's really no excuse for something like this.

  • t777

    Hi I'd like some advice please.

    - BD won't start it must have quarantined a load of dll's. I can't restore

    - Safe mode doesn't work, computer crashes.

    -System restore doesn't work.

    -BD won't uninstall. I've tried using the removal tool from the site . I've tried the normal method. I've tried 'installing' from the cd, it says it doesn't have the right privelidges. It won't repair either. I've turned off UAC and attempted to change the folder privelidges.

    - I've tried manually updating the BD update, it won't work.

    Please tell me how I can manually uninstall BD with out deleting all the thousands of quarantined files? I'm just hoping I don't have to reinstall the OS.


  • dannnyy
    dannnyy ✭✭
    edited March 2010


    I had the same problem as you.

    Around 07:00 PM GMT the BitDefender fp fix was available during automatic update.

    Now my system it's ok.



  • Bitdefender services quit qorking after the update. Do I reboot?

  • im sure its been said but its worth repeating and in my opinion should be pinned to the top of this forum or on the main page of this AND BitDefender's primary website:


    Yeah it will crash! It crashed 3 of MINE... WTF BITDENDER??? While the other pc's have over 14,000 virus and counting!!

  • Stupid question...

    Anyone at Bitdefender thinking about doing some damage control?!

    Would've been nice to get an email warning about this! You know most people get their email by mobile nowadays.

    You could be warning them now. You do have the emails from when they registered right?

    How about a news release? Or would you not want that right after your newsbreak about the facebook virus?

  • im running win 7 64bit all i did was do a bitdefender repair via the bitdefender folder in the start menu as i had the same problem with the fakealert.5 it updated then the vsserv.exe vanished and bitdefender stopped responding so i did the repair and its working fine now hoped this helped

  • moguai

    curtringrose: try booting from another device (perhaps using a dvd/cd bases os) and check the windows the quarantine location of bitdefender.this booting issues is caused by the fact that the av scanner quarantined essential windows files.

    i have tried that but still wont boot up just says check log ?

  • Is there a set of instruction about what to do once you updated? If there is, I would recommend a mod post a new thread and pin/lock it.

    Nice technical support right now...

  • moguai
    I seriously doubt that I'll be renewing my license in the fall. I understand people make mistakes, but there's really no excuse for something like this.

    this was an error one in a bilion.i don`t think this is a real reason why not to pursue you`re license.

    worse things than this one happend to you, i`m sure.

  • Is this the latest update?

    I have the same numbers as you...but no one from Bit Defender talks to us about what we should be seeing, the latest version, the amount of virus signatures, the engine version that should display there, etc....

    They have to make it comprhensible to all users...

    They should not be only saying: " the update is available"...that does not help at all.

  • Stupid question...

    Anyone at Bitdefender thinking about doing some damage control?!

    Would've been nice to get an email warning about this! You know most people get their email by mobile nowadays.

    You could be warning them now. You do have the emails from when they registered right?

    How about a news release? Or would you not want that right after your newsbreak about the facebook virus?

    Too bad I wouldn't get the email one, it quarantined my mail files as well as bit defender .........

  • Please stop posting further reports.

    We are well aware of the large number of systems impacted by this flaw and posting more will only bury the posted information deeper.

    Please see for the current situation.

    I'll post when the update hits automatic update.

    Thank you

    What? I PAY FOR THIS! All my file is in quarantine , and i can't boot window (safe mode don't work too) , who can update this stupid antivirus if a 99% of all my file is in quarantine and i can't access to my system? Who can restore all file from quarantine if i can't access to my system!!!

  • Kukulcan
    edited March 2010

    Luckily I am back up with not too many problems. I am not sure if I ever want to install Bitdefender again, but right now this is not even an option. I cant repair or install Bitdefender because some files are locked and neither I nor Bitdefender are able to delete them (including the uninstaller).

  • Mobius5150
    edited March 2010

    Before you post that your are unhappy because Bitdefender does not seem to be replying: consider this.

    This forum has been flooded with people complaining about their own problem. I suggest you stop. The symptoms are the same for all of us, and Bitdefender HAS posted about the issue. I suggest you look at the users list at the bottom of your window, click the Green highlighted users, and select "view posts" these are the posts they have made. They are working on the issue.

    If you cannot start your computer, I posted a guide that should allow you to start without (much) data loss. Click on my name and select view posts.

    Please stop posting your individual problems, so that Bitdefenders posts do not get flooded with other posts, and become lost in the mess. For the record, i am affected by this problem too, on multiple computers, and yes, i am a web developer and require my computer to make money.


  • jomera

    I think that the Spanish forum is useless, since I am the only one that has described the problem and nobody gives signs of life.

    Because of it, I request Bitdefender clarify if the update should work in a bitdefender with another language.

    Sure that someone thinks that it is a stupid question, but I do not want to activate the bitdefender again and to find the rest of system in quarantine.

    I am using a translator, excuse the use of the language.

  • Yeah it will crash! It crashed 3 of MINE... WTF BITDENDER??? While the other pc's have over 14,000 virus and counting!!

    So what am I to do then if I can't reboot?

  • This is insane. One person said be patient. Obviously you do not use your computer for business friend. This little mistake just took my 20 computer network down, and my server for video. I pay for bitdefender to protect me, not gut me from the inside out. This auto updated and by the time I was on the 3rd computer the other 17 where done. Everything infected and quarantined. If you put bit defender in Advanced mode you can click virus scanner then access the quarantine tab. But no luck all PCs locked up. On restart which i had no choice blue screen. Auto Restore doesn't work. This is a financial mess for me. I dont want lifetime free virus protections either, I want you to send me a tech to fix your mistake to Colombia where I am working. I doubt that.

    By the grace of god I left Norton on my laptop and I have the only PC working. This is a great advertising story for the other virus company's.



  • DB_Screwed
    edited March 2010

    You should be already suspicious when you see the popups and couple legit programs starting to fail and you SHOULD read the popups of what's quarantined. If you missed that for hours and your computer still accessible to BidDefender. Disable the RealTime scanner at the antivirus tab. You can easily Restore the quarantine files by highlighting the first item in the list, scroll all the way down to the bottom, pressing on your "SHIFT" key and press left mouse key. OR within that Qurantine Folder, CRTL + A - that should highlight everything for you. Then select restore. Some files may already autoreplaced by windows or BD, you can cancel on those. Use CRTL+left mouse click to deselect/skip them.

    I have about few hundred in the list and they sounded suspicious,, so i stop everything from BD panel (taskmanager was dead) and found this forum. I was lucky enough to fixed mine with the steps above in less than couple minutes. Hope you're lucky.

    For those, couldn't even get into the computer and still wanted to get the data from your HD, go get a new HD and an enclosure. Replace the HD with your BD screwed up HD, and do a fresh windows install to the new HD. Then hook up your old HD to the external HD enclosure and retrieve the data from there. Too bad if you have to get to this point. I will never format the old HD! .. well, the bright side is you have a new external HD and an upgrade HD in your computer :)

  • dannnyy
    I have the same numbers as you...but no one from Bit Defender talks to us about what we should be seeing, the latest version, the amount of virus signatures, the engine version that should display there, etc....

    They have to make it comprhensible to all users...

    They should not be only saying: " the update is available"...that does not help at all.

    Version: 7.30856

  • Hey, I have tried the Update file, but it won;t work for me, just poped out windows saying"An error occured installing the package. Windows Installer returned 1601" Now what?

  • Radi

    Exactly the same here.

    What a shocker - the worst damage I've sustained from unsolicited software happens to be the software I bought to protect my computers.


    I'm also not impressed with the cocky attitude from the "officials" posting here. You've screwed up - man up please.

    Instead of complaining about all the posts here, perhaps you can come to understand the gravity of the situation. THOUSANDS of people trusted your software and suffered damage for it.

    Good job.


  • So what am I to do then if I can't reboot?

    I wish you good luck..

  • Below is a copy of my conversation w/ chat support from BD:

    A: What is going on with the trojan.fakealert.5 warnings?

    Is there going to be a fix?

    When will my bitdefender be working again?

    You are now speaking with Ed of Technical Support.

    Ed: Welcome to BitDefender LiveAssistance!, Adam! Thank you for your interest in our security solution BitDefender.

    Ed: Hello A !

    Eduard: We are aware of your current issue. There are no viruses. There are files on your computer that are detected as infected by BD. Those files are clean. To fix this, you can go in BD, to the Quarantine tab and restore the files manually, then add each one to the exceptions list. I suggest you wait, because there are a lot of files and you will need to do this to each one of them. Our team is working at the moment on an update that will be released in 1-2 hours maximum that will fix the issue. We understand you are upset, we apologize for this and assure you the matter will be fixed in 2 hours maximum.

    A: When asked what to do I had "told" bitdefender to ignore any action, so are the files still in there right spot?

    Ed: Yes.

    A: My BD isn't working it says the services are unavailable

    Ed: If you did that, the files should be in the same place.

    Ed: Please restart the computer and check to see if BD is working and everything is OK; if not, please contact us again and we will find a solution for your issue.

    A: It is safe to restart my computer? It won't freeze like some others from the forum?

    Ed: If you did exactly as you said and ignored the actions from BD, everything is OK.

    A: alright will give it a shot

    A: i am attempting to repair BD from the file options

    Ed: That has nothing to do with it, only the services are stopped. IT needs to restart so it may work.

    A: So just restart the computer

    Ed: Yes.

    Ed: Please check in 20-30 minutes for a detailed solution and a patch for the issue, if you still need it.

    A: okay thank you

    Ed: You're welcome A and have a great day! Goodbye!

  • yiata

    I just registered to also voice my displeasure on how all of this is being handled by BD. The least they could have done was to send out an email warning about the issue (as someone else has mentioned) or putting up some information on their main web page or support page and listing the products and OS's that are affected. At this time, I don't see anything out there. A message from BD management would also have been appropriate.

    Also, posting intermittent messages about updates being available is absolutely no help for those users who have pretty much had their system hosed because all files are quarantined. How are they supposed to download an update when their web browser files are quarantined?

    I realize that BD must be in crisis mode but communicating to your end users should be the top priority (since the fix seems to already have been created).

  • Dogman

    Did this only affect Windows 7 64 bit systems, or are other Windows systems affected as well?

  • Please, how do you turn of the real time defense ?

  • I'm also having this problem. I'm seriously hoping that you guys can give me compensation or repair the damage that's been done because I work from this computer and I chose BitDefender because I honestly believed it was the best. If you neither compensate me for my lost time nor repair the damage, I will never recommend you as anything but the worst internet security suite to date to any of my associates and I will never renew my subscription with you again. I should also mention that I am running Windows XP 64 bit, so it's not limited to Vista 64 and Windows 7.

  • Mine is internet security 2010 with

    <table style="width:auto;"><tr><td><a href=""><img src="" /></a></td></tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From <a href="">Untitled Album</a></td></tr></table>

    so can i shut down my computer because it is already 4:03am

  • dannnyy
    Hey, I have tried the Update file, but it won;t work for me, just poped out windows saying"An error occured installing the package. Windows Installer returned 1601" Now what?

    I updated using my bitdefender interface. The updated installed successfully , I don't think that a regular bitdefender update will return an windows installer error.

  • Quoted from Bitdefender Virus Researcher, Catalin Salqau (earlier in the topic:

    "A fix for the update system will be posted to our KB soon and that should repair the update system as to allow you to repair BitDefender and restore your files from quarantine.

    Please bear a little longer. A revert has been uploaded and some of the users have already received it.

    We are sorry for the inconvenience.

    Here's to hoping this post doesn't get buried before five users read it."

    I hope this does fix it because my ENTIRE System folder is gone. Completely quarantined. I can't even access my security permissions anymore for files or folders. This "Fix" better solve this completely otherwise there's gonna be one helluva firestorm coming down on this company from all directions.

  • hi there

    same here, SHITDEFENDER just screw up my 2 computers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i found a radical solution forever (KASPERSKY)

    bye to all beta testers who have paid for a ###### like this and god luck whit this ( can we call it software ????) not sure!!!

    next step WANT MY MONEY BACK

    bye folks

  • moguai
    Please, how do you turn of the real time defense ?

    open the console and choose Antivirus tab.deselect "real time protection" tab.then ask for a manual update.

  • nxie
    I updated using my bitdefender interface. The updated installed successfully , I don't think that a regular bitdefender update will return an windows installer error.

    Did you update using the "Update Now" button in BD? It tells me "no update available" :(

  • kvdz

    Hi There

    - Bitdefender not working (so can't update)

    - There is NO Biddefender\desktop\Quarantine folder to retrieve files from

    - System Restore no longer working

    - Manually downloaded the update.exe but can't install due to a '1601' windows installer programme.

    I have back uped all my files on an external drive now. Is there any other option but to re-install windows? I have had problems enough getting everything installed on Windows 7x64, now i have to start all over again!

    And what happens if I click the 'Re-install Windows' option and that no longer works!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • dannnyy
    Did this only affect Windows 7 64 bit systems, or are other Windows systems affected as well?

    The x64 systems were affected as far as I know.

  • mahyar
    Please, how do you turn of the real time defense ?

    if you have the expert layout click on the antivirus tab and check off real-time protection at the very top. The admins have said to click on the settings tab and check OFF the antivirus.

  • DB_Screwed
    edited March 2010
    Please, how do you turn of the real time defense ?

    Double click on your BD icon next to the computer clock. I assumed you can still access to you BD.

    Second drop down from the panel is "Antivirus"

    Shield Tab - uncheck Real Time protection.

    Go to Quarantine tab

    Ctrl + A then restore. or decide what you want to restore.

    But you should have the latest update by now ... that update seems to work. It no longer blindly moving legits files to Quarantine ....

  • All I can say is...



    Recovered my laptop ok but ###### guys you pretty much crippled my main pc it wont even boot to the windows GUI now be it normal or safemode..

    I have used BD for a few years now even recomending it to friends and customers..

    I already have NOD32 on my laptop and BD is gone..

    You guys used to have a fraking amazing antivirus suite i trused.. Now I cant trust it and am haveing to spend a whole evening sleep depraved fixing computers.

  • moguai
    Did you update using the "Update Now" button in BD? It tells me "no update available" :(

    if it says that it means you already have the latest update.

  • Demoblaster
    edited March 2010

    Update from Cris:

    The update is now available on the BitDefender Update Servers.

    Please make a BitDefender update and the problem should be fixed.

    Right now, I'm trying to go through my Quarantine list and try to manually remove any file from quarantine that's been put in there before I reboot. A ton of files state that they're already in the folders and can't be overwritten so time will tell if that is a good or bad thing but this is, by far, the worse experience I've ever had. It would have been the worse viral experience if it was real but I pride myself on trying to keep my computer as safe and virus free as possible and as much as I recommend BitDefender Pro products to clients, friends & family, this was, by far, the biggest **** up that could happen. You're gonna lose a ###### load of customers on this. Maybe included, maybe, if I can't get my computer to be restored once I finish removing what I can from quarantine.

  • if you have the expert layout click on the antivirus tab and check off real-time protection at the very top. The admins have said to click on the settings tab and check OFF the antivirus.

    Thanks Moguai and M.G. but thing is when i click on my Bitdefender icon, it will not open... seems I'm screwed. Any idea ?

  • kaspersky ###### for me, runs my CPU for no reason. It also doesn't detect much antivirus as well as bitdefender does. Last time my PC got a virus cuz kaspersky didn't find it, i had to format my PC and switch over to bitdefender! HALLELUJAH!

    oh well, nobody is perfect and i don't blame the bitdefender for making mistakes cuz NOBODY IS PERFECT just cuz they made a little software error. Catching a virus and reformating will change my mind :)

  • dannnyy
    dannnyy ✭✭
    edited March 2010
    Did you update using the "Update Now" button in BD? It tells me "no update available" :(

    Yes... maybe you have the latest update, or you don't have internet connectivity.

    Check in the folder ?:\Program Files\Common Files\BitDefender\BitDefender Threat Scanner, in the latest one, mine av64bit_17427, the file ?:\Program Files\Common Files\BitDefender\BitDefender Threat Scanner\av64bit_17427\Plugins\update.txt

    If this contains a value grater than Version: 7.30856 your antivirus is updated.