Bad Update Or....? - Solution Here: Http://
When the much anticipated patch is released I am questioning if I will be man enough to execute it.
0 -
I have the same problem as Biohaz1
the program was reinstalled and there is no longer anything under the Quarantine tab0 -
Yeah...about that.
LOL0 -
For what it is worth to people with this problem, I had a major melt down of my system with this Fake Alert 5 error, causing a loss of most applications, loss of Bitdefender itself, and a loss of critical system files on my Vista system.
Here is how I recovered:
1) I tried to reboot with no success even in Safe Mode. So, I booted from my original Vista install disk. I had to wait 15 minutes for the install menu to appear.
2) I then selected to "repair" the computer, not "install files". After waiting for the repair to finish, the system still could not load Windows.
3) I then selected to "repair" again, and after waiting the computer did not boot to windows this time either. Each time it fixes a separate problem with the system.
4) The third time I selected "repair", the next menu appeared and I selected the choice to restore the system to a previous installation, where I selected a day before the problem occured. The restore system was sucessful. This was important since before I tried to reboot my computer initially, I could not access the restore system function since it was damaged. However, when restoring the system via the original install disk, you are using uncorrupted system files off of the system disk.
5) Now that the system has been restored, none of the quarantined files are now quarantined, Bitdefender is visible again, the system files work, and Bitdefender is operating off the prior update before the problem occurred.
6) Immediately after being able to boot your system, be sure to permanently turn off the auto update setting in Bitdefender.
7) Even though the system is restored, expect small issues like applications thinking that they are being installed for the first time. Try to avoid going through initial set-ups. Reboot your system a number of times and some of these problems will go away as the applications finally find their original configuration files. This is what happened with my Office apps.
8) I am going to wait for an official statement from BitDefender on how to proceed before updating again. There are likely going to be different problems with different computers since there are so many variables. This is going make it difficult for BitDefender to issue a universal solution.
Don't start deleting or reinstalliing files. Allow your computer to take a lot of time to do what you ask of it. When system files are damaged, it can take a long time for the system to correct itself. Be persistent and keep retrying the "repairs" and reboots.
I hope this helps a few of you at least.0 -
I have posted several times and no one has responded. I have read almost all 50 some odd pages of this forum to find an answer. I am a newbie and not a techie of any sort. I just read that if you have rebooted once or several times to try to system restore and all the other "fixes" (I have tried with no sucess) that the files that were quarant. (each time) were now gone. Is this true? I tried to use the Vista restore and cannot. So can someone PLEASE help me? I get a black screen now. How do get my system back, just want one I can use, since I obviously can't use it the way it is and any files will have to be sacrificed. ANYONE, please respond? Vista OS
The problem is that BD's false positive quarentines all kinds of system files.
It takes files from many many many different directories and quarentines them into ONE folder ... so without BD running it's impossible to return them now.
Windows is VERY sensitive when these system files are removed from their home directories.
So you really need to do a SYSTEM RESTORE.
You said you tried this already and it didn't work?
I use Windows 7 - you use Vista, but when you booted from your windows CD/DVD and chose system restore ...
Didn't it given you any specific lists of restore points?
Or maybe you disabled that feature in vista so it has never saved a restore point?
Have you tried to REPAIR your windows installation?
If you format your drive you'll lose your files.
But you could probably reinstall the operating system without having to format the drive ...
If anything just so you can boot up into windows and save all your files to a disc.
Then format your drive and do a good fresh install (including a format)
Sorry to hear about your grief - I've been in your ###### before for other reasons ... it ######.
Good luck!0 -
If your ISP fails and you cannot work that day, can you claim compensation for the profit you might have done working? In almost all cases, no. It's provided in the agreement.
I hate posting against you again. But you can
Virgin Media for example
"a.any indirect loss or any loss which is not a reasonably foreseeable consequence..."
In this case by BD it was foreseeable if they had carried out properly testing.
If you look closely at the other ISP's they all say about the same.0 -
i did not create system restore
and start up repair not able to repair
i think i dont have a choice0 -
Windows starts with just mouse support and I cant activate any programs. I cant do anything from inside windows.
Like others I really need a command prompt solution(which I can get to from Windows recovery).
Please release a .exe to do it automatically or provide us with a solution to fix this from the command prompt.0 -
I hate posting against you again. But you can
Virgin Media for example
"a.any indirect loss or any loss which is not a reasonably foreseeable consequence..."
In this case by BD it was foreseeable if they had carried out properly testing.
If you look closely at the other ISP's they all say about the same.
Not sure about that. You usually test something to rule out something unforeseeable. Otherwise, you wouldn't need testing, you would just send out stuff, knowing it works.0 -
Okay the fourth time's the charm right?, oh wait that's thrid........
Unfortunately we are not able to make a patch which can be copied to a bootable device. Therefore, if the operating system is not loading in Normal mode you will not be able to use the patch. Please follow the steps from this post in order to backup your data using Rescue CD and then use a Windows CD in order to make a System restore or Startup recovery.
Thank you for your understanding.
quote this: you guys (and gals apparently) screwed a lot of people today, myself included. nevermind my photos and one year of college work gone. my f-ing computer doesn't turn on anymore. that is YOUR fault, not mine. now what do i do? stare at the black screen and pray for a miracle? help me, help us!0 -
Unfortunately we are not able to make a patch which can be copied to a bootable device. Therefore, if the operating system is not loading in Normal mode you will not be able to use the patch. Please follow the steps from this post in order to backup your data using Rescue CD and then use a Windows CD in order to make a System restore or Startup recovery.
Thank you for your understanding.
Thank you for your understanding you say? You think people are going to understand that?
So basically, every laptop user that doesn't have restoration discs is, hereby, up a river without a paddle and their system rendered useless because of your company's PC killing mistake. Nobody is just going to "understand" that you just put them out of a computer.0 -
Pfft, down 1200 readers from its 1337 high earlier today, this thread is getting boring.
Still, what a funny day once you manage to fix your BD problem. Thank God I have no life... ^-^
Hmm, you apparently need to spell "sheet happens" and "hail no" in this forum.
(I will sue BD, but only for discrimination if it replaces "Hail" with "####" but not "God".)0 -
Okay the fourth time's the charm right?, oh wait that's thrid........
Don't count on it.0 -
The details that BitDefender Support are providing are very sketchy. I proved one staff member wrong and we haven't received a proper reply since.
Again, Will this patch fix items that do not show up in the quarantined list?0 -
If your ISP fails and you cannot work that day, can you claim compensation for the profit you might have done working? In almost all cases, no. It's provided in the agreement.
If Windows gives you a Blue Screen of Death for a few hours, do you request compensation? Do you claim compensation from Adobe if Photoshop crashes and you have to reinstall it?
Even if you could, how do you assess how much you would have made that day?
In my opinion, many compensation claims are unrealistic and, as I said before, many people compare a viruses with getting hit by a train and when they saw the huge number of alerts got panicked. And are now requesting compensation for emotional trauma, rather than any real damage.
Surely, this is only my personal opinion.
Your argument suffers from many fallacies, the first of which is that of equivocation. A failed ISP is something almost expected and there are ways around that such as arranging face-to-face meetings or using the connection of a local coffee shop; this, on the other hand, is something completely unexpected from an anti-virus suite and has literally no workaround unless you happen to be wealthy enough to own another computer and own multiple site licenses for the required programs for your work. Your comparison with photoshop suffers from the same fallacy for similar reasons. The closest you come to a logical argument is with your BSOD simile, but even that is flawed because you're undermining the actual situation--the issue did not last "a few hours" but has lasted for nearly 12 hours. I'm happy to see you discredit your ethos though by saying that your statements are only unwarranted claims by saying, "Surely, this is only my personal opinion." Thanks for your opinion.0 -
This will hurt a bit.
You forgot about this part :
"NONE of Virgin Media Ltd, Virgin Media Entertainment and Virgin Media Payments will be liable to you for:
a.any indirect loss or any loss which is not a reasonably foreseeable consequence..."
I read that to mean:
NONE of company xyz are liable because of indirect loss or because of a reasonable unforeseeable consequence.
Which means if there power goes out they are covered. <<< Accepted.
If they know a piece of hardware is faulty and they still use it - they are not covered. <<< Not Accepted.
If they sell you a service and purposely turn it off you have a cause for a claim. But if like I said something reasonable unforseeable happens - They are covered as it isnt really there fault.
The other way round could allow them to turn it off as they wish - which is what this contract is there to protect. A really unhappy employee cant just turn off the service because there wife shouted at them. With such a angle such systems are in place to not allow people control at the low level.
EDIT: Which if you want to go further with this. People with criminal records aren't hired because of this 'trust' we need in the people we hire. We pay the big buck to get the best, to minimalise mistakes. But even with mistakes there are normally fail safe's in place. Such as the editorial team in a newspaper. Or a law firm section that monitors all outgoing information.0 -
The details that BitDefender Support are providing are very sketchy. I proved one staff member wrong and we haven't received a proper reply since.
Again, Will this patch fix items that do not show up in the quarantined list?
please someone just tell us if this patch will retrieve deleted quarantined items.....please
If it doesn't show up on the list it means it's deleted right?
So is this patch going to retrieve them from whereever it sent them to!0 -
ow yeah bingo i can start to my windows
thanks god , windows make system restore automatic , so i restore it and working !!0 -
I am interested in seeing how BitDefender will handle this in the next couple of weeks. I wonder if they will release a patch (that works), shrug and say “sorry,” everything will get back to normal and that will be it. This has been a huge blunder which has undoubtedly strained their relationship with their customers.
0 -
The problem is that BD's false positive quarentines all kinds of system files.
It takes files from many many many different directories and quarentines them into ONE folder ... so without BD running it's impossible to return them now.
Windows is VERY sensitive when these system files are removed from their home directories.
So you really need to do a SYSTEM RESTORE.
You said you tried this already and it didn't work?
I use Windows 7 - you use Vista, but when you booted from your windows CD/DVD and chose system restore ...
Didn't it given you any specific lists of restore points?
Or maybe you disabled that feature in vista so it has never saved a restore point?
Have you tried to REPAIR your windows installation?
If you format your drive you'll lose your files.
But you could probably reinstall the operating system without having to format the drive ...
If anything just so you can boot up into windows and save all your files to a disc.
Then format your drive and do a good fresh install (including a format)
Sorry to hear about your grief - I've been in your ###### before for other reasons ... it ######.
Good luck!
Thank you for your reply. I have tried system restore/repair several times with no luck. But I have just read a recent post after mine, that says it takes several times to repair the damage and to continue to let it repair each part of the damage. It is late now and not going to do anything else tonight. I will see if I can get someone who is more able to deal with this and let them read these posts and then deal with the problem. Many, like me, are not that able to understand all the technical and even the simple (to you techies) ways to boot from discs (we have tried) and such and we need extremely simple, step by step instructions and explinations of what is what and why we are doing it. This problem may have been simple for you who know your computers inside and out, but for us whose understanding is limited to turning it on and typing it is disasterous and we will have to beg or pay for someone to help us.0 -
How do i restore these files that require me to browse for their original location?
0 -
Your argument suffers from many fallacies, the first of which is that of equivocation. A failed ISP is something almost expected and there are ways around that such as arranging face-to-face meetings or using the connection of a local coffee shop; this, on the other hand, is something completely unexpected from an anti-virus suite and has literally no workaround unless you happen to be wealthy enough to own another computer and own multiple site licenses for the required programs for your work. Your comparison with photoshop suffers from the same fallacy for similar reasons. The closest you come to a logical argument is with your BSOD simile, but even that is flawed because you're undermining the actual situation--the issue did not last "a few hours" but has lasted for nearly 12 hours. I'm happy to see you discredit your ethos though by saying that your statements are only unwarranted claims by saying, "Surely, this is only my personal opinion." Thanks for your opinion.
I have to disagree. A failed ISP is just as expected as a failed detection of a virus or making a false positive. But maybe not for everyone, what can I say... This isn't the first time an antivirus has made a bit of a mess, but surely this is the first time for BD. Maybe this kind of fails would be more expected, had BD not maintained a high service standard for a few good years, intentionally allowing crashes and fails regularly, so that everyone would know this stuff could happen.
Do you sue your HDD producer for losing data? What are we judging here: the actual effects on the computers, or the level of our own surprise?0 -
If you format your drive you'll lose your files.
But you could probably reinstall the operating system without having to format the drive ...
If anything just so you can boot up into windows and save all your files to a disc.
If you reinstall Windows on the same partition, your personal files (documents, music, videos, saved games) might get lost.
I don't remember actually if the reinstall recreates the Users and ProgramData folders from scratch, or if you can save something, say if you used the user name "Abdul" in the old Windows install and "Abdool" in the new one.
And you'll have to reinstall all applications too, and delete the obsolete windows.old folder.
So a reinstall should be your last resort, try system restore or repair first.
If you have 2 disks, say one for Windows and apps, and one for your data, you can make a clean Windows install on the second drive. Then you can move whatever you need from the corrupted disk to the new one, and repair the old disk at your leisure.
If you have only one disk, consider buying a new bigger one. Then you can use the old one for storing backups, with a $15 IDE/SATA/USB adapter for chea.p external storage, like a pro! Actually, I have almost no local data anymore, all the important stuff is stored online (mails, pictures, documents). Only my CDs are backed up on an external drive, because that's over 750GB of songs, too much for online storage, and my movies are just too big for backups, I rely on RAID.0 -
I have to disagree. A failed ISP is just as expected as a failed detection of a virus or making a false positive. But maybe not for everyone, what can I say... This isn't the first time an antivirus has made a bit of a mess, but surely this is the first time for BD. Maybe this kind of fails would be more expected, if BD had not maintained a high service standard for a few good years; intentionally allowing crashes and fails regularly, so that everyone would know this stuff could happen.
I have to ask but what other antivirus companies have had such a disaster as this one? I have never seen anything like this before. Also, I have never had an anti virus just stop working and grey out while your computer is on and idling like BD. I have to disagree from my experience that BD does NOT maintain a high service standard for their clients.0 -
I have to disagree. A failed ISP is just as expected as a failed detection of a virus or making a false positive. But maybe not for everyone, what can I say... This isn't the first time an antivirus has made a bit of a mess, but surely this is the first time for BD. Maybe this kind of fails would be more expected, if BD had not maintained a high service standard for a few good years; intentionally allowing crashes and fails regularly, so that everyone would know this stuff could happen.
Do you sue your HDD producer for losing data? What are we judging here: the actual effects on the computers, or the level of our own surprise?
Do us all a favor and stop arguing over an Anti-Virus Forum. It just sounds really childish. We're all here to wait for a fix so let's just limit posts to actual questions rather than back and forth arguments. I've been stopping myself from saying something hoping you'd be matur.e enough to stop. Guess not.
Now please, could someone from BitDefender update us or is this topic useless?0 -
We are still working on making the patch available. This has taken longer than expected, we will provide a solution ASAP
0 -
I have to disagree. A failed ISP is just as expected as a failed detection of a virus or making a false positive. But maybe not for everyone, what can I say... This isn't the first time an antivirus has made a bit of a mess, but surely this is the first time for BD. Maybe this kind of fails would be more expected, if BD had not maintained a high service standard for a few good years; intentionally allowing crashes and fails regularly, so that everyone would know this stuff could happen.
Do you sue your HDD producer for losing data? What are we judging here: the actual effects on the computers, or the level of our own surprise?
You can. EU law has the view that everyone is liable. Such clauses as 'no liability' are overriden by EU laws.
But you are quite right - the level of your own supprise should be seperated. Which is why is always comes down to - how much £/$ (etc...) was lost? In liability claims it means - how much £/$ (etc..) should I give you to get you back to a 'no loss' situation.
In most cases here I have read - it was just a free person's time that was lost. Which unfortunately unless there was several mental evidently proven no one has a case. And free personal time - you would not have made money during that time anyway - thus no case.0 -
Your argument suffers from many fallacies, the first of which is that of equivocation. A failed ISP is something almost expected and there are ways around that such as arranging face-to-face meetings or using the connection of a local coffee shop; this, on the other hand, is something completely unexpected from an anti-virus suite and has literally no workaround unless you happen to be wealthy enough to own another computer and own multiple site licenses for the required programs for your work. Your comparison with photoshop suffers from the same fallacy for similar reasons. The closest you come to a logical argument is with your BSOD simile, but even that is flawed because you're undermining the actual situation--the issue did not last "a few hours" but has lasted for nearly 12 hours. I'm happy to see you discredit your ethos though by saying that your statements are only unwarranted claims by saying, "Surely, this is only my personal opinion." Thanks for your opinion.
makes me think of 1st semester Logic back in jr. college" />
I would have spit my drink all over my laptop if you mentioned "modus ponens" or "disjunctive syllogism"!
...following that line of thinking...
Is it not a hasty conclusion to assume all machines affected by the BitDefender failed update are irreparably damaged?
Is it not a faulty comparison to assume anti-virus software failures are unexpected while failures occurring in software other than anti-virus suites are to be expected?
Is it not a broad generalization to assume only the wealthy have multiple computers?
Is it not unethical to be happy to see his ethos discredited?" />
0 -
Ok enough of all the rules from EU and suing this company for this or that. What I want to know bitdefender is when are you all going to fix this problem? I have not been able to turn on my windows 7 machine because I'm afraid this may happen to it. Good support or not this should have been resolved by now. Have you all rolled back to the old update so we can safely turn on our computers and they will not get messed up? I'm so tired of having problems from this BD software. It really has been a nightmare for the other problems I have had in the past and now this one.
0 -
We are still working on making the patch available. This has taken longer than expected, we will provide a solution ASAP
I really need a command line fix to restore the quarentine items.0 -
@Lost_n_Confused: if the product was reinstalled the files are no longer in Quarantine. Also, after the update the clean files are restored from the Quarantine and you will not need a patch to restore them.
@redotter: Have you tried to use the Windows CD in order to repair it or make a system restore?
@Biohaz1: The purpose of this patch is to restore as many items as possible from the BitDefender Quarantine, it will not fix items that are not shown up in the quarantined lists.0 -
@Biohaz1: The purpose of this patch is to restore as many items as possible from the BitDefender Quarantine, it will not fix items that are not shown up in the quarantined lists.
So basically, you screwed us over? Thanks a lot.
I don't even have my Photoshop CS4 discs anymore. Are you paying for those on top of the Bit Defender software? Thanks.0 -
Patiently waiting on the aforementioned patch.
0 -
How about a fix for all laptop users who don't have disks to use nor restore points?!?
0 -
@Lost_n_Confused: if the product was reinstalled the files are no longer in Quarantine. Also, after the update the clean files are restored from the Quarantine and you will not need a patch to restore them.
@redotter: Have you tried to use the Windows CD in order to repair it or make a system restore?
@Biohaz1: The purpose of this patch is to restore as many items as possible from the BitDefender Quarantine, it will not fix items that are not shown up in the quarantined lists.
unfortunately, my middling-quality ibuypower quad-core p.o.s. didn't come with a recovery cd. i'm sure there are lot's of you screwed in a similar fashion as myself. i was able to go to and download a recovery cd (it's a torrent so be prepared...). i'm gonna burn the cd and see if i can pull off some midnight magic here. SHOULD NOT HAVE REBOOTED DAMMIT! will update if successful.... ######!!!0 -
@Lost_n_Confused: if the product was reinstalled the files are no longer in Quarantine. Also, after the update the clean files are restored from the Quarantine and you will not need a patch to restore them.
no you are not understanding. they were not restored, they were deleted. I have many programs and documents on my laptop that will no longer work due to the fact that they were once quarantined and were then deleted.
My computer would be in its normal state if they had been restored.
When the quarantined items are deleted are they really gone forever? Because if so my laptop is only half functioning.
I don't even know how to fix it!!! what am I supposed to do?!?!?
I need those files!!!!0 -
you would have to reinstall any non functioning applications/programs which files were deleted.
Or if possible the much easier method would be restore windows with system restore.0 -
Lost_n_Confused, there are programs that exist that can recover deleted files.
0 -
It's impossible to find the information on the forum because everything is moving so quickly. At least this thread seems to be accessible.
I've tried everything I could find so far to get my computer to boot up again. I tried every option on the Windows 7 repair options when booting from the CD. I have no restore points. I can't reboot to the last known working configuration. Before I could no longer boot my computer, I did a deep scan and BD detected over 30,000 infected files and deleted about 24,000. I've pretty much given up on being able to restore my computer to what it was before. I've resigned to myself to having to reinstall windows, losing much of what is on my computer. I'd like to know if it is possible to at least back everything, or at least some of everything up first without being able to boot my computer. Unfortunately, everything is all on one partition so I can't just get rid of one. I guess the upside to that is now I can partition my hard drive...
So, like I mentioned above, is there a way to now backup any files or am I sunk?0 -
you would have to reinstall any non functioning applications/programs which files were deleted.
I have tried this with one of my favorite programs, iTunes. and guess what, no success.
I tryed openiing my music folder, that doesn't even freakin' open!!!!!!!!!
This software malfunction has deleted things that I do not even know about, but are apparently very vital.
Is there anyway to get it back to the way it was before this happened, or even better, to when before I even downloaded this software?
And do not even mention system restore. I have tried this, only to figure out it only fixes certains things that are involved with Windows, and does not even touch personal folders, where most of the deletions have unfortunately occured.0 -
That's why I haven't rebooted or run system restore myself.I'm afraid it will cause further problems.All the quarantined files are still there just need a way to recover them.
Sorry I can't help in your situation.0 -
It's impossible to find the information on the forum because everything is moving so quickly. At least this thread seems to be accessible.
I've tried everything I could find so far to get my computer to boot up again. I tried every option on the Windows 7 repair options when booting from the CD. I have no restore points. I can't reboot to the last known working configuration. Before I could no longer boot my computer, I did a deep scan and BD detected over 30,000 infected files and deleted about 24,000. I've pretty much given up on being able to restore my computer to what it was before. I've resigned to myself to having to reinstall windows, losing much of what is on my computer. I'd like to know if it is possible to at least back everything, or at least some of everything up first without being able to boot my computer. Unfortunately, everything is all on one partition so I can't just get rid of one. I guess the upside to that is now I can partition my hard drive...
So, like I mentioned above, is there a way to now backup any files or am I sunk?
You could always try to get a partition software off the net and move and create a new partition to install your OS on. Or instead of repairing your start up files try reinstalling windows 7 using a non-destructive restore. Hopefully that will get you back into windows without losing too much data. GL0 -
Lost_n_Confused, there are programs that exist that can recover deleted files.
oh really? would you be as so kind as to give me some examples?0 -
oh really? would you be as so kind as to give me some examples?
I cannot tell you which is a good tool to use though.0 -
That's why I haven't rebooted or run system restore myself.I'm afraid it will cause further problems.All the quarantined files are still there just need a way to recover them.
Enoch, have you been able to update the latest patch for BD? In other words is the program no longer giving you the false positive?
If so... have you gone in Expert mode to antivirus/quarantine & tried to restore the files there?
(Sorry if this sounds like I'm talking down to you... I'm not... just offering what has worked so far on 1 of my machines. Anything that comes back with cannot replace because there is already a file there, ignore... so far. For me.. it seems win 7 replaced the files with good working ones. I'm waiting to see if/when I can clear the excess in my quarantine folder along with how to reboot my laptop)
Hope it helps0 -
I cannot tell you which is a good tool to use though.
Good luck finding a good quality FREE Data Recovery program that will actually recover all your files as opposed to just scanning for free and only recovering tiny sized files. The majority of those data recovery programs are not free; not to do what you'd need to do to recover from this. =/0 -
Enoch, have you been able to update the latest patch for BD? In other words is the program no longer giving you the false positive?
If so... have you gone in Expert mode to antivirus/quarantine & tried to restore the files there?
(Sorry if this sounds like I'm talking down to you... I'm not... just offering what has worked so far on 1 of my machines. Anything that comes back with cannot replace because there is already a file there, ignore... so far. For me.. it seems win 7 replaced the files with good working ones. I'm waiting to see if/when I can clear the excess in my quarantine folder along with how to reboot my laptop)
Hope it helps
Yes, I updated and am rid of the FakeAlert.5 I try to restore from quarantine but it's alot of files and half of them are giving me the could not find file location message.So, I'm just going to wait for the patch and see if it will sort it out for me.
BD staff plzz plzz test the patch before release.0 -
@Lost_n_Confused: If the files are already deleted the patch cannot restore them.
@Thurmas: You could try to use our Rescue CD in order to backup your data. You will find here the KB article regarding [saving files onto a memory stick with the BitDefender Rescue CD and here complete information on how to create the Rescue CD.
@enoch0o: In your case, running the patch should restore the files from Quarantine.0 -
That would be great,really.All I wanted to do all day was play some