Bitdefender has started giving me Malicious command line detected
I have a power shell ****** that I wrote and I'm getting the below error
This is something that has only started in the last couple of days so I expect an update has caused this. Normally I can right click on the ****** and run it with no problems. I now have to open powershell and execute it manually.
I have tried to exclude the exception and that has made no difference.
I turned off advanced thread protection and this has not allowed the ****** to still run
I turned off the antivirus and it works.
Malicious command line detected
5 minutes agoFeature:AntivirusThe app C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe was passed a malicious command line and has been blocked. Your device is now safe.
Command line: "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" "-Command" "if((Get-ExecutionPolicy ) -ne 'AllSigned') { Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process Bypass }; & 'C:\Work\ExTrack\ExTrack-Src-Development-Api\git-fetch.ps1
I have the following exception added and it still doesn't work
Turning off antivirus allows it to work.
Any help on how to exclude this exception would be good
Thanks in advance.