How do I get a URL past Bitdefender?

I've added the URL to the Exceptions list, and I've even temporarily turned off the virus protection, but Bitdefender still won't allow me to access the URL or to download a new version of the software.


  • Hello @bugmugs,

    What message do you get when trying to access that URL?

    Check if this article helps, it might be necessary to report the URL to Bitdefender Labs for further investigation (Method 2):

    'or to download a new version of the software' - Are you referring to a new version of Bitdefender, or are you actually trying to download something from that link that's getting blocked?


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • When I try to download an installer for , I get the message "The file C:\Users\gbish\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache\Cache_Data\f_012a9c is infected with Gen:Variant.Lazy.274167 and was moved to quarantine."

    I used this site regularly without problems, and I know the website owner, so the site is clean. So, why is it being blocked, and what is a good work-around, other than what I've already tried?

  • Scott
    Scott Defender of the month ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2024

    In downloading the file, I received this notice from a PC that I use as a 2nd opinion scan PC.

    VirusTotal also flags the file. I see no reason for Bitdefender to change their notification at this time. You may want to contact the website owner and see if it's a possible corrupted file?

    And to me, this disclaimer on the download webpage, is concerning as well:

    Note that third party antivirus programs may interfere with the installation and running of this program. If you have difficulty installing or running the program or the program throws errors, try disabling or uninstalling your third party antivirus program. If you do not have a third party antivirus program installed, then you are running the builtin Windows antivirus program and you are fully protected.

    If Microsoft Defender alerts you, please visit Add an exclusion to Windows Security for help in accepting the files.
    You should add an exclusion for the folder: C:\Users\username\Documents\Moskowitz Consulting Services, LLC
    Replace username with the account name that you are logged into your computer with.

    Kind regards.

    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.

  • Insightful research from @Scott here, nice one. 👍️

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user