Digital Identity Protection Questions

Daniel James Patterson
Daniel James Patterson Digital Identity Protection Questios


I have used Bit Defender products for several years, but Digital Identity Protection is new this week. By following the suggestions around data breaches (30 going back over 10 years) and impersonation checks, my score went from 1 to 44.

I have 633 services in my digital footprint. I spent the last two days reviewing and identifying services I do not use. I have also used the automatic email function to request data deletion from the do-not-use services. I have stabilized the first 100 services. The do-not-use services are gone from the stack, but the number of services has increased to 635, and my overall score has not changed.


1/ Does the digital footprint services impact the overall score?

2/What else can I do to improve my score?

3/ What else can I do to reduce my digital identity risk? The program indicates I have done everything possible!



  • Daniel James Patterson
    Daniel James Patterson Digital Identity Protection Questios


    One more question. The services stack navigation is very ponderous. When a service status is modified or a data deletion request is sent, the only obvious option is to hit the BACK function and re-scroll through all the services. Is there a more efficient way to navigate? Thanks.

  • lbmihailescu
    edited October 23

    Data Breaches has the biggest impact in the score. After you changed password and enabled 2fa wherever possible you should be better already as the score sugests it. Bear in mind that breaches contain more information than passwords so if a phone number or a name or a date of birth are leaked there's no much thing you can do about it. You can be careful in the future if you see off behaviour. That being said, some users are always going to have a lower score just because they already have that kind of information breached.

    If you've went through the breaches and services recommendations you already are better. Be skeptical about what somebody asks of you on the internet or over the phone because there are a lot of scammers out there and if they have some of your information they can make up a more credible story to hook you.

    Thanks for the feedback about navigation. We'll take that into consideration.