No Wi-Fi Signals Found to Protect
I have repeatedly attempted to activate the Wi-Fi Security Advisor, to select my Home Wi-Fi, and secure it. But BD recognizes NO Wi-Fi signals in spite of the fact that every other device I own, phones, tablets, Amazon Firesticks, etc. ALL immediately identify the several Wi-Fi signals available. How can I resolve this?
Hello @mr.arv,
The Wi-Fi Security Advisor doesn't actually detect Wi-Fi signals, it detects the network to which the PC is connected and evaluates its security. So, for example if a home network is considered unsecured or unsafe, configuration
recommendations to improve its security are displayed. But first the PC must be connected to that network. Here's more information on how the Wi-Fi Security Advisor works:I hope this helps.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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Alex, I appreciate your response, and the clarification that the Advisor detects the Network the PC is connected to as opposed to all of the available signals. But… my problem is still the same. When I click on the Home Wi-Fi button, I get the message: "O Wi-Fi Networks found" when my laptop IS connected to my home Wi-Fi. I have even carried my laptop within a few feet of my Wi-Fi Router and I STILL get the same "0 Networks found" message.
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So it looks like this, right? And you can't select the home Wi-Fi, for example?
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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I have this issue too. I see this same screen as above