Secure Me seems to ******. Convince me otherwise.

I'm a multi-year user of BitDefender. It took me years to switch to Password Manager as I wasn't ready to put my passwords on somebody else's cloud. And if you scoff, let me remind that banks, credit card companies and even the US social security admin has been hacked and info stolen.

But I've now used Password Manager for years and like it. Still, I'm extremely troubled by the many mediocre and terrible reviews of Secure Me. The following response from a BD manager made my skepticism worse. Why would BD put this product out if it's not ready for prime time? And more importantly, why would I want to try it now. My fear is that once I switch, I can't go back.

One additional complaint: it seems there is no way to copy ALL of my passwords once I've entered my PW manager-protected space. When I search this question I'm instructed how to copy one PW at a time which is the idiocy of AI, and whoever made this so difficult.

The response below does not help develop confidence. What it means is that we, the payer/user, are the control group helping this product be completed. Trouble is, I run a business and don't have time to help others do their work. I have my own work to do and this gets in my way.

Alexandru_BD adminDecember 2024 edited December 2024

Hello @Layad N

Thank you so much for your feedback regarding SecurePass. We truly appreciate it.

Please be advised that SecurePass is still in its "infancy", and we are excited about the many more features that are still to come. It is an entirely new product that we hope will surpass the Password Manager soon, as the development teams are working hard to integrate as much user feedback as possible.

I also want to confirm that I have passed along your feedback to the development team. Your input is valuable to them, and the product teams are committed to enhancing SecurePass to meet and exceed your expectations. Also, one of our technicians will get in touch with you soon, to discuss more details about this.

If you have any more suggestions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out.




  • Hello,

    I understand your trouble, indeed the app is still work in progress and requires a lot of fixes to be done. Personally, I don't have a problem waiting 3 years or more for them to set final updates and eventually make it better..

    The previous one was less of a hassle and had everything put perfectly, and I recommend that you stick with your own password manager for now. As using Bitdefenders SecurePass is a little troubling right now… none the less, I have no other option and I'm okay with what I have…

    Thank you