Int. Sec. Parent Control & Domain User

I upgraded my XP Pro SP3 from the 2009 Version to 2011 using the local admin account and run after a while with the domain account (no admin rights) into following issues:
1) slow openings
2) blocks with related aprent error message in IE 8 " />
3) I have disabled the parent control on admin account also checked with runas on nonpriv domain account
4) seen are only on the parent control the 2 local user accounts... the domain account not
5) also disabled the internet traffic log, but still logs for the nonpriv domain account
6) I see on the parent control using the admin account entries from my nonpriv domain account
Is this a known issue or how to get ride of the PARENT Control for the entier PC...
1. Try to disable the Search Adviser in Antivirus module in Expert view. The Google opening slowdown should not occur anymore.
2. May I please see a screenshot of the notification when the site is blocked ?
3-6. I don't understand the question(s), please rephrase.
What exactly is the issue or what you need assistance with ? To disable Parental Control simply disable it for all listed usernames.
With all the respect I believe that you should contact my colleagues on the German forum below:
Regards,0 -
>> 1. Try to disable the Search Adviser in Antivirus module in Expert view. The Google opening slowdown should not occur anymore.
It changed from blocked access to slow down on my dowmain user account (who do not have local admin rights)...
Using the local admin account the issue does not exist.
>>2. May I please see a screenshot of the notification when the site is blocked ?
Here is the content:
This webpage has been blocked by BitDefender Parental Control!
This web page has been blocked by the User Control Heuristic Web filter.
Changing the Parental Control Settings for the current user will enable you to access this page. If you are an administrator on this system, you can change the Parental Control settings from the BitDefender Parental Control module.
>> 3-6. I don't understand the question(s), please rephrase.
OK, may you do not understand that the domain user account drops entries in the parent control acess list even such user is not listed. See attached
>>What exactly is the issue or what you need assistance with ?
The thing is, that my http access using my non admin user domain account is more or less blocked!!!
>> To disable Parental Control simply disable it for all listed usernames.
I see there only the local user account, but have now idea how to add and manage a domain account onto the parent list who blocks the http traffic
>> tools & sysdump
this was running about 30 minutes then aborted it ... but still have the dumps copied away.0 -
>> The info you provided shows the issue in a new light.
>> May I please have the sysdump logs ? You can upload them HERE.
Well, such data is not for public! May you open a tracking issue. Or may I drop you a PN?
>> my current work now
Currently all login is blocked and I am chkdsk (as yesterday) the c: drive and then will uninstall and reinstall the BD stuff again. While the mess started may 5 days ago...
>> I will also need to see the first screenshot without blocking the websites otherwise I can't test it.
I do not understand the meaning about first screenshot... which exactly?
Hp0 -
unistalled using the local admin, the reboot & the removal too could not delete some application program files (guess what). Then delete still remaining BitDefender entries even from the previous 2009 version.
Installed and updated again and hat to reboot...
and had then the login hanging again...
the simple hit the power down button does not helped for shutdown...
only finally continous pressing the power off....
This morning the login worked again using local admin account...
guess why...
open any http and worked
Login the using the non priv admin account
opend the outlook 2003
disabled any URL blocking
opened the e-mail from e-bay about some changed contract information
this showed as blocked again
Open with runas admin the BD control
could see one entry as the non priv domain user & one blocked entry
In other words the issue is reproducable....
Any thing I should do next for the BD support, while the sysdump looks like working in a loop more then 30 minutes using a P3 3ghz (hyperthreading) PC.
Hp0 -
Please read my email I've sent you 30 minutes ago.
Thank you.0 -
Now the fun:
1. Login using admin account I do not see my non priv domain account on the parent control users list
2. Login using domain account I do not see my non priv domain account nor my admin domain account on the parent control users list
3. Login using non priv domain account, I see the scroll bar but cannot scroll at all!
4. Login using non priv domain account AND use RUNAS to Bitdefinder (start program..etc) I see the scroll bar AND CAN manage my non priv domain account and switch the parent stuff off!
Arg.... solution found... but this requires some more implementation work for dummies...0 -
Always glad to assist. Issue resolved.
Topic closed.0