

How To Disable Avangate Auto Renewal So You Are Not Auto Billed

Very simply go this link and log in.

In the My Products tab either disable or enable Auto Renewal. Please this is very important to note, If you take advantage of some of the amazing offers from Bitdefender and resub early like i did auto renewal is turned back on by default. Thats where they get everyone. So say i renewed like 2 months early which i did to save 50 USD which was great it will rebill me in 2 months so just bookmark link and double check. I had to contact customer support when trying to pay because chrome would not allow me to pay on there site lol so i asked Bitdefender if my auto renew was shut off and he said yes but on the Avangate site it was turned back on so make sure it is turned off if you resub early. I am pretty sure Bitdefender uses 2 vendors to allow customer to buy their products so if it was not Avangate you purchased your product through i am not sure how to disable.


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