Wrong Amount Of Devices In Use
After a reinstall of one of my 3 computers, I removed it from My Devices in Bitdefender Central.
My Devices is now showing 2 devices.
After several days My subscriptions, Internet Security 2016, is still showing 3 devices in use: DEVICES: 3/3 and I cannot reinstall the third device; Devices Limit Reached.
Please reset my account to 2 devices in use of 3 devices in total so I can reinstall the third device.
I already have a ticket (3 days ago), but it's not showing up in Bitdefender Support Center, View Your Ticket...
I get: Sorry, the action you are trying to perform is not allowed.
This is the ticket id: 2015110416170001
When you reinstalled Bitdefender did you fully uninstall it first using the BD Uninstall program? You should also have checked that the Bitdefender Agent was also uninstalled by checking in the Control Panel>Programs and Features.
The Support Center is not yet available for general use although it will become available in the future - no idea when though.
Ro.0 -
Unfortunately that wasn’t possible anymore, because the PC I reinstalled had become totally unresponsive after a hard disk failure…
Even though, it should be possible to manage my subscriptions though Bitdefender Central and not by using a special uninstall program…?0 -
I have similar case. I just bought subscription yesterday for Total Security mutli device, after trying out trial version of Internet Security.
After installing total security 2016 on PC and phone, my subscription is showing up 3 devices whereas the devices are 2 only.
I created new ticket also but no answer yet.
Ticket number is 2015120414170003.
I am surprised as my subscription should correspond to the number of "my devices". It should be straight forward, and if there is any issue, technical support team should update 'my devices' immediately.
Is there any way to force update 'my subscription' ? or I have to wait for bitdefender team to answer and correct 'my subscription'.
Regards,0 -
Is there any way to force update 'my subscription' ? or I have to wait for bitdefender team to answer and correct 'my subscription'.
I wished it was possible. I'm still waiting for a solution." />
After a while I got the following response:
Please note that we have checked your license key and we would like to inform you that we have a dedicated support line for your specific situation:
And that is a French website... Now I'm communicating with a French helpdesk thanks to Google translate" />
Today I got a response that their software could not understand my response and I should open a ticket.
Unbelievable. a month and they are still unable to change DEVICES 3/3 to DEVICES 2/3
@Bitdefenter 'helpdesk': FIX IT!!!
How difficult can it be...0 -
Hey guys,
I am facing the same problem with Total Security 2017. Support is useless. Tried opening a ticket as well as live chat support(which never replies). Tried talking to different agents but they just read the messages & don't reply. Bit-defender ######. Support is 24/7? I doubt.0 -
Please post on the 2017 side of the forum if you are running the 2017 version of the product.
There is already a thread opened on the 2017 where this issue is being handled.
Your subscription has been refreshed, you should no longer encounter this issue.0