Lincense Activation Debacel
I bought Antivirus for Mac 7 days and have so far not been able to activate it.
All with 3 tickets going(one for which I merely got a link for a seperate support line so that I could issue another ticket, all of which I have received 0 answers on) and the money having been deducted from my account.
To me this constitues fraud.
I pay, you supply.
If this, the most basic of all economic principles is somehow beyong this company( and based on what I could find in different forums it seems to be way to often) I cannot help you ladies and gentlemen,
This is the kind of on/off relationship to economy 101 BS that gives E-commerce a bad name. And that from a product that is supposed to improve security and thus reliability
Hello Whatgives,
Please check your email as you have received a response via ticket 2016052909100003.
You will see in the email registration steps as you activated a 30 day trial and you code has never been used in Central.