Vpn Interference


My Bitdefender Total Security 2016 interfers with my VPN connection.

Through testing and help from my VPN service provider, I've determined BD prevents my VPN from making a connection. With BD off, no problem establishing a connection. I've attempted turning off 'Modules' one-by-one, but I cannot isolate what part of BD is causing this.

Any suggestions?




  • Hi ScottS,

    I am sorry to hear about the issue that ooccurred.

    Please disable the Firewall(open Bitdefender-> Modules->Firewall and uncheck it) then see if the issue persists.

    If the VPN works, please follow these steps:

    -enable the Firewall;

    -select the Adapters tab and change the VPN settings to:

    Network Type: Trusted,

    Stealth Mode: Off,

    Generic: On

    -in the Adapters tab, click on Network Exceptions and add an exception(Adapter:Trusted; Permission: Allow) for the VPN.

    If the issue persists, please provide me more details on what happens when you connect. Is there any error message?

    Thank you,

  • Pardon, though it doesn't make sense to change a VPN network type to Trusted. The VPN is still Internet-connected to public web sites, etc. Please explain.

  • Sorin G.


    VPN networks are considered secure due to the filtering engines they house, as they are not just proxies, you need to go through a gateway to access that public website.

  • With the new 2018 version, there is no longer a 'Trusted' option. Should VPN connections be Home/Office or Public? Also, what should the Stealth option be set to, yes or No?


  • Sorin G.



    Its advisable to keep them under Home/Office with Stealth OFF.

    You can also set the VPN adapter to Trusted by going to Bitdefender > Protection > View Features > Firewall > Settings > Edit default rules and the adapter to Allow.

  • IceBite
    edited August 2017


    i have the same problem, im testing your advice atm, but i cant find the file path of the windows VPN to set up a rule for it, cuz BitDefender needs a file path to save rules -.- or is it just the option under stealth mode where i can choose between automatic/allow/and block ?

    Sorry for the bad english, im not a native speaker.

    Greetings IceBite.

    On 25.7.2017 at 3:25 PM, Sorin G. said:



    Its advisable to keep them under Home/Office with Stealth OFF.

    You can also set the VPN adapter to Trusted by going to Bitdefender > Protection > View Features > Firewall > Settings > Edit default rules and the adapter to Allow.